Who is Janna in League of Legends

Who is Janna in League of Legends? Is Janna a God?

Build Janna in League of Legends with confidence with the help of WildRiftFire’s build guides. Whether you are completely new to Janna or looking to refine your playstyle, we will help you take your Wild Rift game to the next level. Learn Janna’s abilities in detail, the best items to build, which skills to level first, and more. Janna is ranked Tier S (Support Lane) in our Champion Tier List.

Who is Janna in League of Legends?

Janna is a enchanter Support Champion. She excels at shielding and healing your teammates to keep them alive. She has a pretty strong laning phase you just need to be careful and make sure the enemy bot lane does not engage onto you because you don’t have a lot of health. The later the game goes the better Janna gets. Her shields and heals become even stronger and you can do a lot more to keep your team alive.

Tailwind (Passive)
Janna and nearby allied champions moving towards her gain movement speed. This allows Janna to roam in the early game to try and get an advantage in the jungle and other lanes.

Howling Gale (1)
Janna summons a whirlwind tornado that gains damage, range and knock-up duration as it charges up over time. When you re-cast or the charge time is up, Janna launches the whirlwind, dealing magic damage and knocking up enemies in its path.

In the laning phase, your best bet to land Howling Gale is to cast it in the bushes or by using it as follow up to any other crowd control. If you cast Howling Gale in a bush, the enemies can’t see the tornado until it leaves the bush meaning you can catch enemies off guard.

SEASON 12 (2022) – Janna in League of Legends Support Guide – Runes, Items, Abilities & Combos

A very easy way to learn how to play Janna Support in League of Legends. This guide goes through everything and explains them to their basic level – From Runes, items, Abilities and combos, with tips on how to land your skillshots!

Bizzleberry finished last Season in Master on EUW and produces support gameplay, guides and Tierlist for you to learn how to play League of Legends and improve at the Support role

Is Janna in League of Legends a God?

Janna is a Spirit God who takes the form of a slender woman with white skin, tapered ears and long, fair hair. She wears light, sacred clothing with a white palette with some orange gemstones. The most distinctive ornament on her attire is the crown that appears to be crystal on her head. She also has a staff that appears to be crystal.

An ancient and mysterious wind spirit, Janna has come to protect the dispossessed of Zaun Crest icon.png Zaun. While her presence is most often felt as a soothing breeze or a ferocious tempest, she also can manifest in corporeal form as an ethereal figure, comforting the downtrodden. Over the eons, Janna has witnessed the rise and fall of civilizations. Through it all, she remains steadfast as a beacon of hope to those in need.

Janna has been the protective deity of Zaun since ancient times. While worship of her has diminished during Darkin and Rune Wars, she would once again be called upon after the Sun Gates disaster. Since then Janna has been called upon to clear the air of noxious pollution from the undercity, as well as be a supportive presence for zaunite inhabitants that require it.

What are the abilities of Janna in League of Legends?
  • Immortality: So long as air exists in Runeterra and people still believe and remember her, Janna will continue existing.
  • Air Magic: As goddess of the wind, Janna has complete control over the element of air. She can create powerful tornadoes and fly on the air currents. Originally, Janna was focused on helping sailors travel across the sea to their destinations. As time changed, the center of her worship moved to Zaun, and with that, her priorities changed to take care of her worshipers by purifying the poisonous air of Zaun, essentially making her the goddess of clean air. By the way of her domain of air, Janna can cause many different forms of magic.
  • Healing: Janna can heal others using her purifying winds.
  • Shield creation: Janna can use winds to create a powerful shield around those in need.

Best Items You Can Build on a Janna/Vayne Duo in League of Legends

Ardent Censer

This Item provides a 10% bonus on heals and shields. This is perfect to quickly bring Vayne’s health back up when fighting with your Ultimate channeling. It also gives everyone you heal or shield a 10-30% bonus attack speed which is truly magnificent when playing with a Vayne. This Item is perfect as it provides peeling and a boost on your ADC to handle situations even better.

Moonstone Renewer

Janna’s heals come from her ultimate ability, which, if you must know, is not always available for its long cooldown. That is why Janna has to build Moonstone to make up for her lack of healing abilities. Sure, she has an excellent shield ability. Still, Moonstone provides excellent healing. This would protect your ADC better as you can constantly proc its effects because of your aggressive nature. Procs can come from your abilities. Also, picking the font of the life rune is excellent as it would synergize with this Item very well.

Janna changes detailed, expected to release alongside League Patch 12.2

Riot Games announced at the end of last year that Janna will be receiving extensive changes at the start of League of Legends’ 2022 season. While the changes were delayed to Patch 12.2, Riot has now revealed exactly how the support champion will have power shifted throughout her kit.

Specific aspects of Janna’s kit are being directly buffed and nerfed to compensate for the smaller changes throughout her abilities. Her base movement speed and AD are being buffed substantially, as well as how much AD she gains per level due to the removal of the part of her passive that gives her bonus magic damage on attacks based on her movement speed. As a result, her range is also being significantly decreased, affecting only her auto attacks.

Riot is hoping that players will use Janna’s Q more often than simply to protect their allies, so it’s receiving ample buffs. Its mana cost is being decreased in the late game, its range is set to be increased, and its travel time will be reduced substantially, all to create more aggression with the ability. August detailed that the team is investigating adding an indicator to the ability to show allies where the tornado is going but specified that it “might not work.”

The rest of Janna’s kit is also being adjusted to compensate for the major changes to her identity in the bot lane. All aspects of Janna’s W are being buffed except its cooldown, which is now set at a static 12 seconds, shifting the constant poke that the ability used to provide to her auto attacks and Q. Janna’s E in League of Legends is having its cooldown significantly reduced, though the shield amount is being nerfed heavily. 

Is Janna good support?

With that being said, Janna has always been a high pick support and has recently seen play in the LCS and Pro games. Janna has been one of my favorite supports and will continue to be for the future.

Is Janna a human?

Appearance. Janna has short dark-blue hair and brown eyes. She usually appears wearing an olive green shirt, a turquoise jacket, a yellow skirt, brown boots, and an olive green beanie hat. She is Filipino.

What Lane is Janna LOL?

If you’re too far back, they will struggle to farm and you’ll have no priority in lane. Move to the mid lane and either stick with your ADC in the mid lane or hug your Mid laners hand to prevent the enemy from taking the mid lane tier 1.

Who is Janna best with?

Vayne. With her rising popularity, Vayne is one of the best ADC you can pick together with Janna. She has a very high winrate in season 12, thanks to mythic items.

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