What are ritual endings in strange horticulture?

For the ‘Ritual’ Endings in Strange Horticulture, you need to ring your desk bell on Day Sixteen, so that Verona comes to you and tells you to go to the ritual site. Then, travel to it (its on coordinates N9) and when prompted, give out the following Specimen: Devil’s Nighttrap, Swiftsnare, Widow’s Woe, Long Verecund, Elderphinium.

How to use five plants in strange horticulture?

It’s time to use our five plants to perform the ritual, and hopefully bind the creature. Use the riddle from the disc to figure out the plants you need. The Corpse’s Friend is Devil’s Nightcap , the Ankle Grabber is Swiftsnare, the fear bringer is Widow’s Woe, Long Verecund will lift a curse, and a petal to reverse black blood is Elderphinium

