Apex legends

Who is the most popular Apex Legends character? Who is the most used legend?

Season 12 of Apex Legends has tons of characters to choose from to enjoy its several maps. But who has the top Season 12 pick rates in Respawn Entertainment’s battle royale shooter?

Who is the most popular Apex Legends character? 

Apex Legends hit the ground running when it launched with eight different characters to choose from in its battle royale offering. The game suffered a notable lull when Call of Duty: Warzone launched, but with many players jumping ship to Respawn’s game in Season 10, Apex Legends Season 12 has benefited from continued support from gamers and streamers like NICKMERCS.

There are now a whopping 20 different Legends to choose from, giving players a headache before each game. The latest to be announced is Mad Maggie, who has arrived in Season 12.

As Mad Maggie has come in and shaken up the meta, let’s take a look at the current Legend pick rates in Season 12, which provides an idea of who the most popular Legends are.

Apex Legends Season 12 pick rate ranked list

This is our complete list of every character pick in Apex Legends, and we’ve ranked them in order to let you know which are favored. Here is every Apex Legends pick rate in Season 12 ranked, as of March 4, 2022, according to Apex Legends Status:

Octane – 12.6%
Wraith – 12.1%
Bloodhound – 10.9%
Pathfinder – 8.6%
Valkyrie – 8.3%
Lifeline – 4.9%
Bangalore – 4.9%
Horizon – 4.5%
Ash – 4.4%
Loba – 4%
Gibraltar – 3.6%
Fuse -3.3%
Mirage – 3.1%
Mad Maggie – 3.1%
Wattson – 2.4%
Revenant – 2.2%
Caustic – 2.1%
Seer – 2%
Crypto – 1.9%
Rampart – 1.4%

Most picked Legends in Apex Legends Season 12

5. Valkyrie – 8.3%

It’s no surprise that Valkyrie is in the top 5 Legend pick rates for Season 12 with 8.3%, as she is the movement Queen. Her Jetpack Passive allows players to get out and in any kind of situation, which is crucial for survivability.

As well as her Passive, her Ultimate, Skyward Dive, is also great for mobility. This ability is the best rotational tool in all of Apex Legends, as it allows her and the team to relocate from a bad position or situation, into a good one.

Lastly, Valkyrie’s Tactical is also extremely useful for being aggressive and getting enemies out of camping spots, so long as you have enough room above you to launch the Missile Swarm.

4. Pathfinder – 8.6%

Pathfinder has consistently been one of Apex Legends’ top five picks at 8.6%, and counting, for quite some time now.

As a Recon class, Pathfinder simply excels in movements and traversing the game’s various maps. His Grappling Hook and Zipline Gun are simply invaluable assets that will help any team in a pinch – either because of the circle or a third-party situation. He consistently manages to stay in the top 5 as a result.

3. Bloodhound – 10.9%

Again, with the influx of new Apex Legends players, Bloodhound is a great character to use for new players in Season 12.

Bloodhound nearly always stays in and around the 8-11% mark as a season goes on, and they currently stand at 10.9%. They are easily the top Recon class to use in Apex Legends, thanks to their tracking tools and incredible skills, plus, their Beast of the Hunt Ultimate is priceless.

2. Wraith – 11.2%

Another starting Legend, Wraith has been a consistent pick throughout Apex Legends’ lifetime, and she has taken the number two spot with an 11.2% pick rate in Season 12.

Wraith’s stand-out features are her ability to get out of trouble very quickly – teammates included. Her abilities allow her to sense danger, become temporarily invulnerable, and create portals to escape predicaments. It’s easy to see why Wraith continues to be an absolute fan-favorite in Apex Legends Season 12.

1. Octane – 12.6% – Most picked Legend in Apex Legends Season 12

With a 12.6% pick rate, the speed demon takes the number one spot, continuing his reign as one the most popular Legend in Season 12, fluctuating between the top two places.

Aside from his amusing quips, he is the perfect balance of offense and defense. Despite being regarded as an offensive Legend, Octane can greatly increase his sprint speed which is useful for both attack and running away. But most Octane users thrive on his Launch Pad Ultimate which can send him, and friendly players, high up into the air.

That covers all the picks in Apex Legends Season 12. As always, buffs and nerfs will come and go throughout the season, altering the game’s meta, and subsequently, Legend pick rates.

The most used Legends in Apex Legends Season 12

The battle for Apex Legends Season 12 Defiance supremacy is ongoing, but some things don’t change with Octane and Wraith currently leading the pack as usual.

As with the start of most new seasons of Apex, the new Legend, Mad Maggie, entered the fray strongly with double-digits pick rates. But now that the season is finding its stride, her pick rate is continuing to drop. A few weeks into the season and she’s dropped to 14th place, standing at just a 3.1% pick rate.

Valkyrie is proving resolute for the time being by remaining steadfast in 5th place, showing she’s clearly become a fan favorite. Whereas some of the other tops spots are currently occupied by long-time favorites of players.

Each Legends’ popularity has fluctuated over time since May 8, 2021.
The above chart shows the movement of pick rates since May 2021 – Horizon has picked up slightly thanks to her buffs in Season 10, while Bloodhound has recovered from their slight dip after the introduction of Seer to become the de facto recon cahracter.

Ever since Wattson’s massive buff, she has slowly risen up the ranks and is no longer the least picked Legend in the game. That honor now belongs to Rampart. Loba’s pick rate has slowly started to pick up thanks to her bracelet buffs, moving her into the top half of the list.

What is Ash’s real name Apex?

Born in the unforgiving Frontier, Dr. Ashleigh Reid – still very much a human – learned early that the only person who was going to look out for her was herself.

Is Bloodhound a girl?

According to Apex Legends’ devs, Bloodhound is an LGBTQ character and does not have a specific gender. It’s non-binary which means it’s neither male nor female. The devs confirmed this information on Twitter.

Which Apex character should I Main?

Who To Main In Apex Legends: Wraith. Wraith is the first choice for many players. The Interdimensional Skirmisher has abilities that make the game a little easier for newcomers, as if you find yourself in a pickle, you’ll be able to get out again with relative ease.

What is Valkyries real name Apex?

Kairi Imahara is the name behind the callsign Valkyrie. She’s the daughter of Apex Predator pilot Viper from Titanfall 2’s campaign. Kairi becomes a pilot herself after the death of her father, and now she’s made her way into Apex Legends to test her skill in the arena.

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