Elden Ring

Elden Ring D quest and Deathroot guide: What to do with the Twinned Armor

The Elden Ring D quest is simple in itself, but it’s tied to a broader set of quests that sees you find D’s lost brother and brings conflicting ideals to a head.

Seeing it through to the end takes a long time and involves Ranni’s quest as well. Like much else in Elden Ring, don’t expect to finish this quickly.

How do you start D’s quest in Elden Ring?

D’s quest can begin as soon as you speak to him in Rountable Hold. He’s the one with the golden mask sitting at the Table of Grace who talks about those who live in death. After speaking with him, travel to Summonwater town in Limgrave, north of the the Third Church of Marika, and defeat the Tibia Mariner. Take the Deathroot you obtain back to D in the Hold, then travel to the Bestial Sanctum.

Travel back to the Hold, and you can get some new dialogue out of D. He’ll also sell a few Golden Order (holy, in other words) Incantations. This is technically where D’s quest ends, but it’s not the end for D – yet.

How do you progress D’s quest in Elden Ring?

Keep speaking with Fia (the death hug lady) in the Roundtable Hold. At some point, possibly after you first defeat Godrick, though it seems different for every player, she’ll ask you to help her. She wants you to return a dagger to its rightful owner, and that’s D. Hand it over.

The next step is to fast travel to the Hold again, but we recommend completing Rogier’s questline first, and touching the bloodstain in Stormveil’s crypt after defeating the Ulcerated Tree Spirit there. If not, and you speak to Rogier following the events that unfold, the sorcerer will die.

Travel back to the Hold when you’re ready. Enter the room near the blacksmith to find Fia standing over D’s dead body. Loot his body to get a special Bell Bearing for the Twin Husks and a set of Twinned Armor. Here’s where the quest branches and still involves D.

You’ll need to carry on Fia’s quest, which involves progressing Ranni’s until you obtain the Carian Inverted Statue. After that, you can find D’s brother in Siofra River’s aqueduct and give him the Twinned Armor. Note that if you do, he’ll wake from his eternal (not so eternal now) slumber and murder Fia. If you don’t, he stays asleep and Fia remains alive.


Elden Ring Deathroot guide: Where to find Deathroot and what it’s for

The Elden Ring Deathroot item is a rare find you can use to get even rarer boons, though you’ll have to take on some difficult trials at first.

It’ll take some time to find them all, but you’ll unlock a unique range of Incantations for your trouble. Even if you’re not keen on using Faith-based spells, it’s worth giving all the Deathroot away. The final spell you unlock is powerful and has a low Faith requirement.

Where do you find Deathroot in Elden Ring?

Deathroot is a rare item only dropped by those trapped in death, or so D the Hunter tells you in Roundtable Hold. A few bosses and locations fit that description.

One is the Tibia Mariner, who shows up in three locations.

Summonwater Village in northern Limgrave (northwest of the Third Church of Marika)
Liurna of the Lakes (just to the southwest of the Divine Tower bridge)
Wyndham (west of the Second Church of Marika, north of the Grand Lift of Dectus)

The chest in the Black Knife Assassin room in the Deathtouched Catacombs in Limgrave also drops Deathroot, and you’ll find one in a chest behind the Cemetery Shade in the Black Knife Catacombs as well.

The Red Wolf of the Champion in Mt Gelmir also drops Deathroot, in the Hero’s Grave dungeon.

What is Deathroot for in Elden Ring?

Deathroot is a type of currency you’ll trade the Beast Clergyman Gurranq in exchange for special Bestial Incantations, among a few other things.

The first Deathroot you give over gets you the a seal that boosts Bestial Incantation power and an eyeball that lets you know when you’re near a Deathroot (which you don’t really need).

After that, here’s what you’ll get with each successive Deathroot:

Bestial Sling Incantation (throws rocks)
Bestial Vitality Incantation (regenerates health)
Beast’s Roar Ash of War
Beastial Hail Incantation
The fifth time you give Gurranq a Deathroot, he’ll turn hostile, and you’ll have to fight him. He’ll return to normal after the battle and give you the Beast Claw Incantation.

How do you get to the Bestial Sanctum in Elden Ring?

The Bestial Sanctum is in northern Caelid, and it’s nearly impossible to reach early on. The easiest way to travel there is via teleporter in eastern Limgrave, in the pond north of the Third Church of Marika (shown below).

You’ll appear directly behind a tough field boss, but it doesn’t see you. Ignore it unless you want a big challenge, open the door, and head inside.

What does Deathroot do Elden Ring?

Deathroot is a rare item used to purchase items through Gurranq, the Beast Clergyman.

How many death roots are in Elden Ring?

There’s a total of eight Deathroots located around Elden Ring, but most of these are quite hard to get, even when you know where they are.

Where is Deathroot Elden Ring?

Where to find Deathroot in Elden Ring. Obtained when defeating the Tibia Mariner Field Boss at Summonwater Village. Map Link. Can be found inside a chest after defeating the Stray Mimic Tear before the Hidden Path to the Haligtree site of grace.

Where is the Beast Clergyman?

Beast Clergyman is a Boss in Elden Ring. He is the boss form of Gurranq Beast Clergyman and is found in Crumbling Farum Azula. This is NOT an optional boss as players MUST defeat it to advance in Elden Ring.

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