Dying light 2 Gaming Trends

What are the Best weapons in Dying Light 2? What about the Environmental Weapons?

Looking for the very best weapons in Dying Light 2? Techland’s ambitious open-world zombie parkour-em-up Dying Light 2 gives players many more ways to customise your gear and tools than its predecessor ever did. This extends to the vast array of weapons on offer. Beyond the all-important damage stat, there’s a range of things to bear in mind when you’re choosing your weapon: does it deal more damage against humans or infected? How many weapon mod slots does it have? How much durability? How long before it becomes obsolete?

Best weapons in Dying Light 2

PK Crossbow

The PK Crossbow is by far the best weapon in Dying Light 2 in my opinion. The only way to get it is to give control of four Facilities to the Peacekeepers – one of the two major Dying Light 2 Factions. The fourth Peacekeeper alignment reward is the Crossbow Pack, which unlocks the unique PK semi-automatic Crossbow and a set of blueprints for crafting different kinds of bolts.

What is there not to love about the PK Crossbow? It features very high damage and an immensely fast rate of fire. It’s a ranged weapon, which means you do not need to repair it; and you also don’t need to spend resources installing weapon mods to make it great, because it has no mod slots available. The customisation aspect comes in the form of the different elemental bolts, which range from normal bolts to those which stun, explode, bleed, freeze, and poison enemies. Absolutely phenomenal weapon.

Heavy Duty (2H Long Axe)

Heavy Duty is a powerful endgame axe which you unlock once you complete the final story mission in Dying Light 2. Don’t worry, you can enjoy its immense strength forever more, because you can keep playing Dying Light 2 after the Epilogue. And it’s worth doing just for this massive two-handed beast of a weapon, which should have no trouble cutting down anything in your path.

Not only does Heavy Duty feature fantastic damage potential, but, being an Artifact rarity weapon, it has three mod slots that you can use to boost its damage, longevity, and effects to really get the most out of this lovely little post-Epilogue reward.

Enso Katana (2H Long Sword)

The Enso Katana is the most stylish melee weapon in the game by far. It’s another powerful Artifact weapon, and two-handed as you might imagine. It’s very easy to carve a path through multiple enemies at once with this long blade, and because of how loot scaling works in Dying Light 2, if you get your hands on it in the endgame it can do incredible amounts of damage, surpassing even Heavy Duty.

Lazarus (Knuckledusters)

The legendary Lazarus knuckledusters are far from the best weapon in the game overall, but in the early game they’re pretty amazing. They’re unique and very fun, and by the time you get your hands on them, it will usually be the strongest weapon you have for quite a while. Like the PK Crossbow, it has no mod slots, so you can’t customise it to extend its life (unfortunately), but it does mean you don’t need to expend resources to improve it: the Lazarus is already as good as it will ever be, right out of the box.

You can get the Lazarus knuckledusters for yourself by giving the Water Tower in the quest “Water Tower” to the Peacekeepers rather than the Survivors. If you do this, and choose to go with Aiden rather than Sophie to the Central Loop, then Aiden will gift you the Lazarus knuckledusters as a reward for your loyalty and help.

The Paper Clip bow

Keeping a decent ranged weapon on Aiden’s person at all times is a viable strategy. Even though the Paper Clip Bow is a rare-tier, it still deals enough damage to make it one of the best weapons in Dying Light 2. It’s helpful for taking out Howlers when exploring at night and can put the finishing touches on boss enemies if Aiden’s low on health. If you went the Survivor route when assigning territories, the Paper Clip Bow is a decent substitute for the PK crossbow.

You’ll find the Paper Clip Bow during the main storyline while exploring Lawan’s apartment. Specifically, you’ll find it during a mission called “The Shoe.” Arrows are pretty easy to craft, requiring only scraps and feathers. While you won’t be running around Villedor like Hawkeye, the Paper Clip Bow plays a significant role in any zombie killer’s arsenal.

Aiden’s feet

Of all the axes, crossbows, spears, spike traps, and exploding cars, Aiden’s feet are the best weapons in Dying Light 2. Specifically, the Air Kick, Dropkick, and Head Stomp combat skills are what make Aiden a lethal killing machine, even if all his weapons are broken (if only he could find a pair of cleats laying around).

In tandem with environmental weapons, Aiden can dropkick enemies into spike walls and barrels, killing them without ever touching his weapons. He can knock enemies off bridges and rooftops and stun Howlers before they scream. However, don’t dropkick into a swarm of enemies, as Aiden still takes damage while on the ground.

What is the best weapon in Dying Light 2?

In a game without guns, the PK Crossbow is one of the best weapons in Dying Light 2, if not the best. The amount of damage the PK Crossbow scales with Aiden’s level, from what we can tell.

What is the strongest weapon in Dying Light?

Katana. Being capable of slicing everything that comes in its path, the Katana is the best weapon in Dying Light. The best part about it is that it can take down an enemy with only one hit, something that can help you clear crowds of enemies quickly.

Is there a gun in Dying Light 2?

Dying Light 2 is set in the future, decades removed from the events of the first game and what remains of mankind has reverted back to a modern medieval style of living. Weapons are mostly melee, crafted from whatever materials come to hand. But there are no guns, and at least for now, that’s very much by design.

What is the best bow in Dying Light 2?

The Dying Light 2 Yardstick is now the best bow in the game, dealing 353 damage at Level 9. The Composite is also a good bow, but both are better than the previous options like the Nails or the Twitch Drops exclusive, the Legendary quality Funkadelic.

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