Gaming Trends Valorant

Who Is the Valorant New Agent BountyHunter? What Abilities Does He Have?

VALORANT took an act off from releasing new agents. The reason the dev team gave was that they wanted to focus on balancing and fixing the game over adding something new. This meant that for the third episode in a row, fans were not given a new agent in every act. For the end of VALORANT Episode 4 Act III fans will likely be getting a new agent. Could that be VALORANT Agent BountyHunter? Here is why this may be the case.

Valorant New Agent Class and Codename: BountyHunter the Initiator?

Although the Blackmailer can be the new Valorant agent, there’s one more speculation left in light of recent Riot Games leaks. Firstly, the new agent’s codename was revealed: BountyHunter.

This has sparked a lot of new ideas for the agent, maybe the BountyHunter will be a new agent that will hunt the Blackmailer. Or better yet: BountyHunter, the Blackmailer, and Victoria Vector are the same, anime plot twist style! And Riot Games have come out themselves to reveal the agent’s class in their newest State of Agents: the BountyHunter will be an Initiator.

The new Valorant agent BountyHunter will be an Initiator based on gathering information like Sova. An information-based Initiator is highly missed in the meta since the other agent classes have been filled to the brim, especially Duelists. One thing to note from the teaser though: the coffee is Turkish, and you can compare the teaser with real Turkish coffee in the image above.

BountyHunter’s Lore so far

Of course, there were a lot of hints that lead to the Agent being reveal much like any other agent we have right now. This agent has recently blackmailed Brimstone into revealing everyone’s secrets if Brimstone doesn’t give answers to something this agent wants to know. Something about a missing person that Brimstone or the Valorant Protocol is connected to. Of course, Brim wants to know who this blackmailer is so he set forth Sova and Cypher to scout and find out his/her identity. Upon their search however, they have failed to find any information, except for Cypher’s breakthrough that this person is located near Turkey. We now know that this agent is confirmed to be Turkish given the developer’s hints. Cypher is impressed with the agent’s work of not being detected, and asked Brimstone what he will do when they locate this new agent. Brimstone might of course recruit this new agent in the Valorant Protocol to add their scouting power instead of just Sova.

BountyHunter’s Abilities

As stated in the developer’s notes, Valorant’s new agent will be able to contest Sova’s scouting skills. Sova has been a default starting agent in all line ups of high ELO pubs and even pro play. They are thinking of adding another scout to the game or might just cancel out Sova’s ability to see things. As stated in the lore, Cypher and Sova doesn’t have the ability to pinpoint the exact location of the new agent. The new agent can also gather information much like Sova and Cypher can. The last clue is having the Turkish line “Herkesin bir korkusu var”, where the new agent’s abilities might be centered towards fear. In Valorant Spike Rush, there’s an orb called Paranoia that causes one player to have a black and white image, as well as hears things near him. This might be one of the new agent’s abilities as the mechanic of Paranoia is in line with “fear,” disrupting the senses of players. It might be like Cypher’s global effect for an ultimate or like Skye’s Trailblazer that would only affect the agents caught by the ability.

There is also a leak that there has been an added “Totem” item from dataminers, where totems in Valorant are deployed like Killjoy’s turret and alarm bot or Raze’s boom bot or even Cypher’s default camera. This means that the agent would also have a deployable item for one of his/her skill in the game. There are no confirmations yet on the list of abilities of the new agent. We can only assume based on how the new agent is perceived and the lore that Valorant has created for the BountyHunter.

Valorant New Agent Location and Map

Alongside our normal servers, the PBE Valorant servers also received new lore drops about the new agent. We may even know which location our agent will be coming from. From a voice message that Sova left for Brimstone, they are preparing an operation to go search for the blackmailer in Turkey! On the board above in the PBE servers, the location of Turkey is also circled, alongside pictures of who is going on this mission to capture the new agent! Who knows, maybe we’ll even get a new map in Turkey!

Valorant agent 20 release date

Players will have to wait until April 26 to try out Bounty Hunter’s kit. Valorant Episode 4 Act 3 will start at the end of April with a brand new battle pass and a skin bundle. That’s when players will finally be able to get their hands on Valorant agent 20 as it releases.

Who is the 14th agent in Valorant?

The upcoming agent will be a duelist as confirmed by the devs. Valorant Agent 14 will be joining the ranks of Jett, Reyna, Phoenix and Raze as the game’s fifth duelist.

What agent should I play Valorant?

The Ultimate of Phoenix is particularly useful. You can brute force your way into a hot zone, take your chances to get some eliminations, then try again if you die. Phoenix is definitely the best Valorant agent if you’re coming from a normal first-person shooter like Call of Duty or CS: GO.

Is there a Filipino agent in Valorant?

Neon, Valorant’s first ever playable Filipino agent, is set to electrify the battlefield with her electricity-based powers and abilities.

Who is Nora Valorant?

Nora is a concept image done by Kai Chang, who shared it on ArtStation, where the community went crazy. Nora is described as a member of the KINGDOM company who is rational in her knowledge of the parallel reality. NOVA rises to join the fight to reclaim the radiant from another world.

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