Gaming Trends Yu-Gi-Oh

Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel, everything you should know about the game and cards

Provided by Konami Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel features almost every card in the game’s history, as well as a ranked ladder for serious players to compete on.

Everything to know about Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel

The highly anticipated, free-to-play Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel game released on Thursday, finally bringing Konami’s answer to Wizards of the Coast’s Magic the Gathering: Arena to the community. Master Duel is a fully supported experience catered to every type of Yu-Gi-Oh! player.

From the player coming back for a hit of nostalgia to the hardcore TCG player looking for an official way to practice online, Master Duel has something for everyone. To help those interested get involved, here is a look at everything important to know about the game.

Where to play and how to download

Master Duel is a cross-platform game that can be played on virtually every single gaming device and system. For PC players, the game is available to download for free on Steam. On console, the game is available digitally on the Nintendo Switch, Playstation 4, Playstation 5, Xbox Series X and Xbox One.

The game will also be available for download on mobile devices through the Apple App Store and Google Play Store at a later, undisclosed date.

Game modes

There is indeed ranked play in Master Duel, giving Yu-Gi-Oh! players a true way to test their mettle. | Screenshot provided by Konami.
For new players and those returning to Yu-Gi-Oh! after a while away, the solo campaign modes get players up to speed with the game as it takes players through the game’s 20 year lifetime. Players will get a chance to relive classic moments from the game’s history as well as experience new ones, all through the lens of the game’s most popular lore and cards.

For the more experienced, up to date players, there is in fact a ranked ladder. Players can face off with others across the world and on different platforms in this cross-play mode. The ultimate goal, of course, is reaching the highest rank in the game and becoming the highest-ranked duelist.

Finally, players can play against friends in private lobbies.


Everything on this board can be customized in Master Duel. | Screenshot provided by Konami.
A key feature of Master Duel is the deep level of customization. Not only can players fully customize their decks to their own liking, they can also customize everything else about the game to their personal interests, too. Everything from the card sleeves for a deck, the field itself to the little “Mates” that cheer players on, it’s possible to acquire a wide range of cosmetics that make the experience special.


The deck editor in Master Duel gives players an in depth way to sort through and manage their collection. | Screenshot provided by Konami.
The card pool in Master Duel is unparalleled. With more than 10,000 cards ranging from the very first core booster set, Legend of the Blue Eyes White Dragon, up to modern times, players have the world at their disposal.

Cards come in four rarities: Ultra Rare, Super Rare, Rare and Normal. The game’s best cards are often found in the UR or SR rarity, but there are many good and well-known cards in lower rarity as well. Currently, the card pool includes every card in the TCG release up to right before the Burst of Destiny core booster set.

Players acquire cards through buying packs in the in-game shop, the crafting system and earning them through various rewards and missions as well as the solo mode. To do so, players can earn gems to spend there through challenges, missions and other in-game events.

The shop has a wide selection of different card products, with packs coming first and foremost. Outside of “Master Packs” that contain a chance to pull literally every single card in the game, there are also “Secret Packs” that are tailored to specific decks.

Speaking of decks, players are also able to purchase some outright to help jumpstart deck building. The shop also is a way for players to buy cosmetics like sleeves, Mates, and boards.

How To Craft Cards

To craft cards, head to the Deck Menu and make a new deck by clicking the first square on the page with a large plus in it. Cards you own will be highlighted on the right side of the screen, but as you scroll down or search for cards, you’ll see there are many that are grayed out. These are cards you don’t own.

You can craft any card, regardless of how many copies of it you already own. To do so, click on the card on the right side of the screen to open up the card information panel on the left. At the bottom on the right there will be a button that says “Generate”. Click that to open the Generate Card window.

From here, you can choose how many copies of the card you want to create, see how many you already own, and see what your remaining Craft Point (CP) balance will be afterwards. Every card in the game needs CP of its own rarity to craft: normal needs CP N, rare needs CP R, super rare needs CP SR, and ultra rare needs CP UR. We’ll go over how to get these resources in a moment.

Most of the time, crafting a card will grant you a basic, non-foil copy of it. However, there is a rare chance that a different style, such as a foil, will be made. These types of cards are known as “Process Cards”, and sit separate to their basic versions in the card view panel. Keep in mind going to the Generate Card menu through a foil card in the card list won’t guarantee you making a foil – it will likely be a basic version, with the same probability of getting another version as any other.

Missions Craft Points

Craft Points are the currency used to generate cards in Master Duel. There are three main ways of acquiring Craft Points: ranking up the Duel Pass, completing missions, and dismantling cards.

The Duel Pass is Master Duel’s take on a Battle Pass. As you complete duels and level up, you’ll progress through the Duel Pass and unlock various rewards. Though cosmetics and gems tend to be the most interesting rewards on the pass, there are also a lot of Craft Points of each rarity on offer. As you play, you’ll unlock more and more levels and get more craft points.

The second way is by completing missions. In the missions window, there are two tabs: Limited-Time Missions, which reward Gems, and Unlimited Missions, which reward more things including Craft Points. By completing these missions, such as finding a Secret Pack or winning a duel in solo mode, you’ll unlock Craft Points quite quickly.

The final way is by dismantling cards. Back in the deck menu, next to the generate button, there is a red button that says “Dismantle”. By clicking this, you can deconstruct cards you already own and break them back down into their Craft Points. You won’t get as many Craft Points from dismantling as you’d spend on generating a card, but it’s a good way to turn those excess cards you don’t use into stuff you’ll actually play with.

A great thing about Master Duel is there’s no limit on the number of decks a card can go into. That means, generally, you won’t need more than three copies of a card. Deconstructing anything above the three copies of each card is a good habit to get into, as otherwise they’ll be sitting uselessly in your collection. Also, dismantling special Process Cards will net you more Craft Points than a basic one.

Should I Craft Or Open Booster Packs?
Booster Pack

In general, it’s good to save your Craft Points for when you only need a few more cards to complete a deck (or if you want to unlock a Secret Pack).

Opening booster packs adds an element of randomness to your deckbuilding, but with things like Secret Packs to help you narrow in on the deck you want to build, you shoiuldn’t really have to use your Craft Points to make the majority of a deck.

Is Yugioh master Duel free?

Yugioh Master Duel is free and follows a typical free-to-play business model. You can download the game for free on any of its platforms right now, on PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, and PC via Steam. Note that a mobile version for iOS and Android is also planned

Does Konami still own Yugioh?

Konami is now the manufacturer and distributor of the Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG. It runs Regional and National tournaments and continues to release new Yu-Gi-Oh.

Is Yugioh master duel mobile?

Master Duel releases on iOS and Android. That being said, Konami has confirmed that it will eventually launch on these platforms

Is yugioh Master Duel pay to win?

Yu-Gi-Oh Master Duel is pay to win. The good news is for free to play duelists, creating a single deck desired to climb is very much possible. … But as the game continues to progress, and more cards and ban lists release, it’s highly likely that players will find themselves lacking gems to purchase and acquire key cards.

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