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How can you get shiny Litleo in Pokémon Go? ARE SHINY RATES BOOSTED DURING SPOTLIGHT HOUR?

You’ll find multiple Pokémon as you explore your local neighborhoods with Pokémon Go. There are several opportunities for you to catch many of them, and there’s even a chance for you to capture a shiny version. You’ll find that there are multiple Pokémon with shiny versions in Pokémon Go, but not all of them have them. Can you catch a shiny Litleo in Pokémon Go?

Is There a Shiny Litleo in Pokemon GO?

Is There a Shiny Litleo in Pokemon GO January 2022 Spotlight Hour?
Pokemon Go‘s first Spotlight Hour for the month of February is all set to commence soon and fans are curious to know the complete details of the same.

For the first Spotlight Hour of Pokemon, we have Litleo as the featured Pokemon. The Spotlight Hour will commence at 6 pm local time on Tuesday and will be lasting until 7 pm local time. So players will be getting only one hour to catch as many Litleo as they can and get the bonuses as well. During the event’s duration, players will be seeing a lot more Litleo than usual. As far as the event bonus is concerned, you will get twice the XP you normally get for evolving Pokemon, which will enable you to level up quite quickly.

What is Litleo?

Litleo is a Fire and Normal-type Pokemon that was added in Generation VI. It hails from the Kalos region and evolves into Pyroar. It’s been a while since Litleo was a part of the Spotlight Hour, so fans would be quite excited to get the Pokemon this time around.

Coming to the most important aspect of every Spotlight Hour, is the Pokemon Shiny? Well, the good news is that Litleo will have a shiny variant during the upcoming Spotlight Hour. If you are a veteran player, you might be wondering how did Shiny Litleo appear? Well, it was not in the game until today. To celebrate the Lunar New Year, Pokemon Go is adding Shiny Litleo to the game. Along with that, there is a chance to complete field and timed research tasks as well and get some exciting rewards. The odds of catching a shiny is quite less, but it is still worth a shit.


Shiny rates do not appear to be boosted during Spotlight Hours, based on data gathered by Pokémon community The Silph Road. However, the sheer number of Pokémon that spawn during the hourlong weekly event will give you an improved chance of clicking on a random shiny. The more Pokémon you click on, the more opportunity you have to catch a Shiny Pokémon.


Not much, unfortunately. It appears to be random chance. Shiny Pokémon catch rates are set by developer Niantic, and they are typically only boosted during special events like Community Days or Safari Zones, or in Legendary Raids. There are no consumable items that boost Shiny Pokémon rates.


LeekDuck keeps a list of currently available Shiny Pokémon. It’s a helpful visual guide that illustrates what all of the existing Shiny Pokémon look like.

What Pokemon to catch during Lunar New Year 2022 Event

Litleo will be appearing more frequently in the wild but it’s not the only Pokemon. Paras, Meowth, Growlithe, Voltorb, Hisuian Voltorb, Magikarp and Torchic will be around in the overworld.

Electabuzz, Gyarados and Combusken also have a chance to appear in the wild.

As for Raids, the following Pokemon will be appearing in different Raids during the Lunar New Year event:

  • One-Star: Magikarp, Shinx, Darumaka, Litleo, Espurr
  • Three-Star: Charizard, Flareon, Shuckle, Delcatty, Absol, Druddigon
  • Five-Star: Regirock
  • Mega Raid: Mega Houndoom

Litleo, Shuckle, Slugma, Darumaka and Scraggy will be hatching from 7km Eggs during the event. These Eggs can only be obtained by opening Friend Gifts.

How to Prepare for Litleo Spotlight Hour

Since the reward is just Double Evolution XP and not something as useful as Double Stardust or Catch XP, you don’t need to do too much preparation this week unless you really want to stock up on Litleo Candy or test your luck and see if you can find a shiny one. Here’s what you should do to prepare ahead of time.

  • Stock up on Poke Balls so you don’t run out.
  • Clear space in your Storage Box for Litleo.
  • Buy Incense to further boost spawn rates.

Those are the main things you should do to prepare for Litleo Spotlight Hour. Remember, time is limited and every second counts, so you don’t want to waste time buying Poke Balls or managing your Storage Box.

How to download Pokemon Go

Most modern smartphones can now play Pokemon Go with ease. To download it, head over to the App Store on the iOS device, or the Google Play Store on Android and search for Pokemon Go.

It is free to download, so make sure you have memory on your phone to play it. Click install or get and the app will automatically download onto your phone.

Is there a shiny Litleo in Pokémon Go?

And yes, Litleo can be shiny in Pokémon Go. … Every Tuesday in Pokémon Go, players will see a specific Pokémon spawning more frequently during Spotlight Hour, which runs from 6 p.m. to 6:59 p.m. local time.

Is shiny Froakie in Pokémon Go?

The Shiny Greninja Pokemon is evolved version of Frogadier, and that Pokemon is evolved form of Froakie. Well, let’s come to our main question – Can you Catch Shiny Greninja in Pokemon Go? Well, unfortunately, you cannot catch Shiny Greninja as it has not yet been released for this game now.

Is shiny growlithe in Pokémon Go?

Pokemon Go has added the Shiny version of Growlithe to kick off the month of September. The popular pokemon has become the latest in a long line of shiny additions to the game. … Growlithe has proved to be a popular catch for Pokemon Go players who are hunting for the powerful Arcanine.

How do I increase my chances of getting a shiny Pokemon?

One of the best ways to get shiny pokemon is during community days, when the shiny rate is boosted. Otherwise, catch, catch, catch. Shinies appear every once in a while (something like 1 out of 450 encounters), so the more active you are, the more likely you are to encounter and catch a shiny.

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