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How to play Huskar, Dota 2’s most terrifying monster? + Huskar’s Skill Build and Items

Thanks to a bunch of buffs in 7.31, Huskar is currently the winningest hero in all of Dota 2. His signature ability Berserker’s Blood now grants up to 25% magic resistance at lower health, and 7.31b’s Inner Fire nerfs aren’t enough to slow him down.

The best item and skill build for Huskar in 7.31b

Huskar is all about single-target burst. Life Break is an incredible initiation ultimate and Burning Spears is an incredibly strong laning tool. His previous weakness to magic damage is significantly less impactful in 7.31b, so he can play riskier than ever before and still come out alive.

Learning to play Huskar effectively is all about mastering his diverse toolset. The best early skill build for Huskar is a mix of all three abilities, as each one is useful in different circumstances. Start 1-1-1, then alternate between Burning Spears and Berserker’s Blood. Save the level 10 Inner Fire talent for later and max the base ability instead. Talents are great for making Burning Spears scale into the mid and late game. All the talent choices above have higher win rates on stat-tracking websites.

How to play Huskar in Dota 2 patch 7.31b

Past the laning phase, try to gank immobile heroes. Most supports qualify, but some cores like Drow Ranger or Sniper have a hard time running away. Use Life Break to bridge the gap and retreat while tossing Burning Spears.

Teamfights are a little more tricky for Huskar. Try to go on an enemy hero just on the edge of the fight. If the other cores get into trouble, use Life Break and Inner Fire to save them. Just be careful of enemy burst combos before getting Black King Bar.

Thanks to Huskar’s status as a lane dominator, he matches up extremely well against all melee mids. Ember Spirit, Void Spirit, and Meepo can’t stand going one-on-one with a Huskar. He’s also very difficult to gank, as any support getting close is almost guaranteed to die. Late in the match, Huskar’s percentage-based damage from Life Break counters tanky enemies like Dragon Knight, Tiny, and Centaur Warrunner.

Huskar’s Favorite Neutral Items

Tier 1
Possessed Mask: This is the best item for Huskar because as your health depletes and your attack speed increases, you will receive a significant amount of healing from a Possessed Mask. This item boosts your early-game survivability.

Chipped Vest: Although you do not require Chipped Vest’s HP regen, its return damage helps you farm a little faster.

Ironwood Trees: Provides a significant amount of Stats in the early game.

Ocean Heart: Due to Huskar’s mid-lane role and the fact that Ocean Heart provides HP and Mana regen in the river, this item is ideal for Huskar. Additionally, it contains Stats.

Broom Handle: If your team lacks Melee Carry heroes, Huskar can benefit from the armor and damage provided by this item.

Tier 2
Grove Bow: The Grove Bow reduces your adversary’s Magic Resistance, allowing your Burning Spear to inflict additional damage.

Dragon Scale: Provides you with the armor and health regeneration that you require. Additionally, it inflicts DPS damage on the attacked target.

Imp Claw: Provides 26 bonus damage on every attack and a critical attack every seven seconds, so it works well with your Berserker’s Blood attack speed.

Tire 3
Titan Sliver: provides increased Status Resistance, which reduces the duration of enemy disable spells.

Paladin Sword: This is one of the best items for Huskar. This item heals the wearer by attacking the target and dealing spell damage, and Huskar does both.

Elven Tunic: Gives you more attack speed and evasion, which is helpful against physical damage heroes.

Mind Breaker: Silences the enemy on the first attack, which is useful when trying to kill heroes with disabling abilities or heroes with escaping abilities, such as Queen of Pain.

Tier 4
Minotaur Horn: Increases your strength and provides you with two seconds of spell immunity. You’ll need both of those in battle, especially if you don’t yet have Black King Bar.

The Leveller: Increases attack speed and damage against buildings.

Trickster Cloak: Provides resistance to magic and evasion, which aids you in combat. Additionally, you can become invisible for six seconds, which allows you to escape from enemies.


Satanic the most broken item

What makes Satanic superior to previous versions is that it now performs a basic dispel on the holder while it is activated. It’s so powerful that you can now counter one of Satanic’s main counters, namely Spirit Vessel. This item used to be a common counter to any healing ability on the enemy side.

Valve made a significant change to this item in patch 7.29c, and it’s now stronger than ever. The Satanic cooldown has been reduced by ten seconds, allowing the holder to use it more frequently than before, and in long fights, you can benefit from the Unholy Rage twice, which is a significant improvement.

Another notable change to Satanic is the inability of your adversaries to dispel it. This is an important change, as opponents could previously remove the Unholy Rage buff using a cheap item such as Eul’s Scepter of Divinity. However, This does not mean Eul’s is entirely useless against Satanic; you can still use it on the Satanic holder to effectively stop their attack for 2.5 seconds.

Standart Huska
Huskar Standart Item BuildPros:
This one is almost everyone’s choice of build when playing huskar as it gives you more DPS (damage per second) to your enemies in the lane and exerts more pressure by spamming your burning spears to the enemy heroes. Burning spears can also be used to farm creeps and to keep your opponent confused on the timing of your last hits.

You might get yourself too low on HP and thus giving your enemy the chance to go after you, so always be careful with your positioning as Huskar is a short-ranged hero.

Anti Right Click Huskar
Huskar Right Click BuildPros:
This maximizes your defensive capability against lets say an Ursa or a Troll Warlord. By simply casting Inner Fire it gives you about 3 and quarter of a second to not be attacked by the enemy hero, while at the same time you can capitalized on using your burning spears to harass him. This acts as an early BKB (Black King Bar) like scenario for your Huskar where he can more freely do damage. ?

This tactic of Huskar in Dota 2 might not deal much damage but defense is always the best offense as the old saying goes. Most of the time this also doesn’t guarantee you much of anything when the fight starts but keeping them low and evading their aggression will surely piss them off later in the lane.

Is Huskar a mid hero?

Huskar is one of the heroes in Dota 2 that is mainly known for being a core. We are yet to see a Huskar support work out. So, it is not recommended to use this hero as a position four for five. With that being said, he is an excellent mid laner, offlaner, as well as carry, depending on the situation.

When should I pick my Huskar?

Huskar is a midlaner and only midlaner. Sometimes he can go for carry or offlane in case he gets countered hard in mid, but that’s rarely the case as you should pick Huskar in the last stage of the draft.

Is Huskar a range?

Uses Huskar’s 400 attack range when Autocast is active. Manually casting it uses the 450 cast range. The cast range can be further increased by other attack range bonuses.

Does AA counter Huskar?

For one, AA has 2 slows, one in the form of Chilling Touch, and the other in the form of Ice Vortex. Then, you have Cold Feet, which will let you disable Huskar and mitigate any more right click damage with the disable that also deals some slight damage over time.

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