Lost Ark

Lost Ark Leveling: tips and the Powerpass system explained + How to get to level 50?

Looking for a Lost Ark leveling guide to help you through Arkesia? The Korean MMO isn’t shy about throwing a load of systems your way right from the start. It can be pretty overwhelming, especially when you just want to get going on your journey towards max level.

Lost Ark leveling: tips and the Powerpass system explained

You start at level 10, up to a max of 50. And if you decide to level other characters, the Lost Ark Powerpass makes this an absolute breeze. Jody’s put together a Lost Ark guide for more general tips, but if you’re keen to make a dent in your progress towards level 50, this leveling guide gives you some valuable pointers.

Lost Ark leveling tips

Prioritise main story quests

This might seem like an obvious one, but it’s easy to get bogged down with sidequests that take you away from the main story. It’s simple to tell them apart—main quests are orange and sidequests are yellow. Sidequests don’t give bad XP, but you can reach max level with the main quests alone.

Once you can start sailing at around level 35, you won’t be able to continue with main quests, so you will need to switch to blue quests, which will take you to three different regions.

That said, ignoring everything else to pursue the main quests can get boring fast. Our Weekend Editor, Jody, thinks you lose a lot of variety if you skip everything else. And, as he points out in his tips guide, certain sidequests can offer handy rewards, such as a pet that loots everything for you. Doing those will slow down your leveling, but it’s something to consider.

Look for less-crowded channels

If you’re having trouble finding objectives or enemies because too many other players are after the same thing, you can easily switch to a less populated channel. These are essentially different instances of the same area. So if you find the area is too crowded, you can find this option to change channel in the dropdown menu above the minimap.

Dismantle gear for more bag space

You can dismantle gear and other items in Lost Ark to make more room in your inventory, saving you a trip to a vendor. Selling gear seems to be more lucrative, so if you’re strapped for cash, you may want to hang on to it to sell later. But if bag space—and time—is an issue, you always have the option.

You can dismantle gear by clicking the hammer icon at the bottom of the inventory window. The items acquired by dismantling gear can also be sold, so you’re not necessarily losing out on too much gold by doing this.

Don’t kill more than you need

If you’re an MMO veteran, you might be tempted to kill everything in your path. The problem is enemies in Lost Ark give very little XP. Instead, kill what you need to for quest objectives and leave anything else alone.

Lost Ark’s combat is hugely satisfying, so feel free to have fun with it. Just know that going after every enemy you find isn’t going to help you level up faster.

Don’t go out of your way for collectibles

As I’ve said, mindlessly grinding main story quests could get repetitive, so you may want to take some time away to gather collectibles such as mokoko seeds. But if you’re set on getting to max level as quickly as possible, save them until later.

Lost Ark Powerpass: How it works

You’ve probably seen the Powerpass option on your character screen before you log in, and you might be wondering what it is. Essentially, it lets you quickly advance another character to level 50. You’ll only receive two free Powerpasses, so it’s worth testing out a few Lost Ark classes before making your choice.

To get a Powerpass, you need to complete the main story quest on one character. Once that’s done, you’ll receive an item in the mail. You can now return to the character selection screen and either make a new character or select an existing one, then click the Powerpass button beneath their name.

Once that’s done you’ll need to complete the Adventurer’s Path quest, which will take you from level 10 to 50. The second Powerpass item will appear in your mailbox once you’ve used the first one.


The quickest and simplest way of reaching level 50 is to complete main quests. You can also skip the prologue altogether, which saves some time, though you won’t receive the Arthetinean Engineer’s Goggles as a reward for completing the prologue, but they can be traded between characters of the same class archetype in different playthroughs.

As you play through Lost Ark, you unlock main quests which reveal more of the story. This is the most effective way to level up, so don’t get bogged down by side quests or distracted by obtaining collectibles.


If you’ve done the hard work the first time round, you can simply use the Power Pass mechanic to quickly level up your alt characters. You can level up another character to level 50 using a condensed version of the story called the Adventurers Path quest. To get the Power Pass, you need to have reached level 50 with your current character and completed the entire North Vern main quest. Here’s how to use the Power Pass to level up in Lost Ark, and how to get your hands on two Power Pass tokens.


Yes, Lost Ark has some adorable mounts to traverse the different regions, but it’s best to utilise the fast travel option to complete main quests. Simply use the map to quickly fast travel around Arkesia.


There are many, many monsters to kill on your adventure through Lost Ark’s gigantic world and while it may be tempting to hack through enemies as you go, it doesn’t generate much XP and can be hugely time consuming. We suggest only tackling enemies when a quest asks you to, so you cash in the rewards at the end. Another simpler way of taking out large swathes of enemies for a healthier boost to XP is by using AoE damage. You can also tag monsters killed by other players to complete quest objectives quickly.


While you may welcome the challenge of a hard difficulty mode, the aim here is to prioritise speed, so always choose normal difficulty. This is especially important in dungeons, as they generate the same amount of XP as the hard mode – just be sure not to rerun dungeons, as the loot obtained doesn’t change. Dungeons are also an easier method to level up if you’re playing solo, due to enemy HP scaling with a larger party size.

That’s how to level up to 50 quickly in Lost Ark. It’s also worth noting that some activities are best saved for the endgame content, like leveling up your trade skills, building in your Stronghold, or foraging for materials. On your next run, you can focus on building up your Lost Ark gold and you’ll have the time to spend chopping trees and fishing in the local lakes at your own pace.

What is the max level in Lost Ark?

You start at level 10, up to a max of 50. And if you decide to level other characters, the Lost Ark Powerpass makes this an absolute breeze.

How to get Powerpass Lost Ark?

To unlock your free Powerpass character boosts, you will need to progress Lost Ark’s main story quest through North Vern on your first character. Simply follow the blue World Quest chain through the continent until you complete the final quest, called Ealyn’s Gift.

Can you buy Powerpass Lost Ark?

Lost Ark restricts two Power Passes to each account, so if you aren’t 100% sure which class you want to spend it on, don’t waste it. Even though Lost Ark has a cash shop, Power Passes aren’t available through the store, at least not yet.

How many classes are there in Lost Ark?

As a top-down ARPG similar to Diablo, Lost Ark features five classes, with a total of 15 Advanced Classes.

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