
Nether Portal in Minecraft: Its Behavior and Dimensions + How to build Nether Portal

A Nether Portal is an obsidian structure enabling players to pass between the Nether and the Overworld. They produce distinctive whimpering and crying noises and release purple particles that resemble dust particles. Players move the equivalent of 8 blocks on the Overworld by moving 1 block horizontally on the Nether. The Portal should be 4 blocks wide, and 5 blocks high with the flint and steel being used to activate it.

Nether Portal in Minecraft

The nether is a frightening area with an exciting new collection of blocks and creatures, and visiting it is an important part of your Minecraft journey. Items such as blaze rods are obtained from the nether which can then be used to craft other useful items. The portal was added to Minecraft as a part of the Halloween update in 2010.

Behaviour of Nether Portal in Minecraft

Nether portal blocks produce distinctive whimpering and crying noises and release purple particles that resemble dust particles. These are the same purple particles produced by endermen, endermites, ender pearls, and the ender chest. A level 11 light is emitted by the portal blocks which is much dimmer than a torch and is not adequate to avoid mob spawning on top of a freestanding portal.

Minecraft: How to Build Nether Portal

There are a couple ways to build a Nether portal. Before you can start building, you’re going to need to find at least 3 Diamonds, 3 Iron Ingots, and a lava pit. Once you’ve got your hands on these materials, craft a Diamond Pickaxe and a Bucket.

  • Crafting a Bucket is simple – take 3 Iron Ingots and open up your Crafting Table. Place one in the middle box on the left column, one in the bottom box of the middle column, and one in the middle box of the right column. It should form the shape of a lowercase v.
  • Hold your Bucket and approach a water source block. If you’re near the sea or a lake, just press your interact key anywhere on the surface of the water. You should now be holding a Water Bucket – also known as a miner’s best friend.
  • Take your Diamond Pickaxe and your Water Bucket to the lava pit you found. Using the interact key on a block above the lava pit, dump the water all over the lava. You’ll hear steam, and as the water makes contact with the lava, it will create Obsidian blocks. Use the interact key on the same spot you initially placed the water to scoop it back up again and give you more space to work.
  • While mining, don’t forget that there might be more lava underneath the Obsidian you just created. Never mine the block directly beneath your feet.
    Obsidian can only be mined and collected by a Diamond Pickaxe, and it does take a good long while to mine it, so get comfy.
  • Mine at least 10 Obsidian blocks.
  • Pick a spot to build your portal. You’ll be using Obsidian blocks for the frame. The frame is rectangular; it should be 4 blocks wide and 5 blocks tall. Leave the center of the frame empty.


What are the Minecraft Nether portal dimensions? You’ll need to get your hands on 12-14 blocks of obsidian to create a Nether portal which is a rectangular shape of 4×5 minimum and 23×23 maximum. To mine obsidian you’ll need a diamond pickaxe – this is the only tool you can use to mine obsidian, and while there are some workarounds, they really aren’t worth your time – just go get some Minecraft diamonds first.

You’ll also need flint and steel to create a Nether portal, this will make the ‘filling’ of the door. Firstly, place your obsidian blocks into a rectangle as seen below (you don’t need to fill in the corners). Next, use flint and steel to create fire to fill the hollow doorway, which will expel a gust of translucent, purple ooze – charming. Specks of the vortex will hover next to the door, but don’t worry, it’s perfectly safe – what’s on the other side is what you need to worry about.

How do you build a nether portal with diamonds in Minecraft?

If you’ve already found diamonds in Minecraft, and have all the necessary ingredients to craft a diamond pickaxe, building a nether portal is far easier for you. Whether you make your obsidian or find it while exploring, you can simply mine it with your diamond pickaxe and take it with you. Obsidian takes forever to mine, so you’ll be waiting for quite a while, but as long as your pickaxe is made of diamond, it’ll soon join your inventory.

Once you have 10 to 14 blocks of obsidian stockpiled, you can build your nether portal wherever you want by using the portal schematics above. This takes the guesswork out of it, and it means you can keep extra obsidian on hand in case you need to quickly build a portal to escape the Nether. Unless you have a reason for wanting to get to the Nether a little earlier (like potion brewing, or to explore the new biomes as part of ‘the Nether Update,’), it’s probably best to do things like this.

Can you make Nether Portal any size?

Nether portals can be built at a minimum of 4×5, and a maximum of 23×23. Added nether portals. There are now new nether portal building rules: Any rectangular shape from 4×5 to 23×23. If the nether portal in the Nether is big enough, ghasts can now travel through.

Can you build nether portal in the Nether?

When you enter your brand new portal in the Overworld, you’ll travel to the closest relative portal in the Nether and if there isn’t one nearby, it will create a new portal. So, that’s how you create a Minecraft Nether portal and travel into the Nether.

Can u use crying obsidian for a nether portal?

Crying Obsidian can only be used to craft respawn anchors and can’t be used in a nether portal.

What does crying obsidian do?

The main use of Crying Obsidian is as a crafting material, believe it or not. By combining 6 Crying Obsidian with 3 Glowstone, the player can craft a Respawn Anchor. This block is used to allow the player to respawn in the Nether, but it must be charged with Glowstone blocks.

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