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Who is The World’s Greatest Genius? Is Elon Musk Genius?

The term genius refers to someone with extraordinary intellectual or creative power. Psychologists in the early 1900s were the first to measure and define genius in terms of a person’s intelligence quotient (IQ).‌

What Are Signs of Genius?

The first genius IQ score was around 140. That’s about one in every 250 people. But one leading researcher in the 1940s suggested that a genius should have an IQ over 180. That’s about one in every 2 million people.

There is no one definition of genius. But many doctors study highly intelligent, or gifted, children to understand genius better. They define genius as a wealth of originality, creativity, and the ability to imagine or think in new ways and areas.

what is IQ classification?

IQ classification is the practice by IQ test publishers of labeling IQ score ranges with category names such as “superior” or “average”.

Differences in individual IQ classification

IQ tests generally are reliable enough that most people 10 years of age and older have similar IQ scores throughout life.

Still, some individuals score very differently when taking the same test at different times or when taking more than one kind of IQ test at the same age.

For example, many children in the famous longitudinal Genetic Studies of Genius begun in 1921 by Lewis Terman showed declines in IQ as they grew up. Terman recruited school pupils based on referrals from teachers, and gave them his Stanford–Binet IQ test.

Children with an IQ above 140 by that test were included in the study. There were 643 children in the main study group. When the students who could be contacted again (503 students) were retested at high school age, they were found to have dropped 9 IQ points on average in Stanford–Binet IQ.

More than two dozen children dropped by 15 IQ points and six by 25 points or more. Yet parents of those children thought that the children were still as bright as ever, or even brighter.


Is Elon Musk genius?

Elon Musk is perhaps the world’s leading exponent for turning science fiction into reality. From his work in private space travel to his courage in the field of carbon-neutral technology, the South African–born engineer and entrepreneur is truly a living visionary.

Musk showed his intuition, business savvy, and affinity for rocket science at age 12 by teaching himself computer programming, designing a space battle video game called Blastar, and selling the code to a video game company for $500.

His next major venture would be quite a bit more profitable. After earning his Bachelor’s Degree from the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania, Musk moved to California and inserted himself into the burgeoning Silicon Valley revolution. In 1995, Musk and his brother developed a software company which provided online city guides to newspapers. With the New York Times and Chicago Tribune among their clients, Zip2 ultimately was sold to Compaq in 1999, netting Musk a fortune.

Musk used this fortune to launch, a financial exchange service that would eventually merge with and be absorbed into Paypal. Many credit Musk’s aggressive marketing ideas with Paypal’s rapid growth and eventually multi-billion dollar acquisition by eBay.

From here, the tirelessly innovative Musk founded SpaceX, an endeavor designed to reduce the cost and improve the feasibility of private space travel. His company would become the first private enterprise to successfully launch a satellite in the U.S, as well as the first to dock with the International Space Station.

Musk’s innovations on earth are perhaps even more compelling. His founding involvement with electric car pioneer Tesla Motors, his conceptual support of leading solar provider SolarCity, and his as-yet-unrealized vision for an emission-free subsonic transportation system called Hyperloop all suggest a man who has used his great fortune and even greater brilliance to help mankind.


Signs of Genius in Children

There are many different signs of genius. Together they are called “giftedness” in children. No two brains and no two people are the same (even twins!). Different geniuses can display different traits.

There is no official checklist for signs of genius. Some signs that often appear in children include:

  • Intense need for mental stimulation and engagement
  • Ability to learn new topics quickly
  • Ability to process new and complex information rapidly
  • Desire to explore specific topics in great depth
  • Insatiable curiosity, often demonstrated by many questions
  • Learning educational material at grade levels ahead
  • Emotional depth and sensitivity
  • Excitement about unique topics or interests
  • A mature or unique sense of humor
  • Imaginative and able to discover creative solutions to problems Quick learner
  • More aware than other kids of self, social situations, and global issues


IQ Test for Genius Only : How Smart Are You?

Take this quick IQ and Aptitude test and try to solve real test questions. We do share with you answers and explanation, so in case you are trying to learn from the experience you will be able to do it in this video.

What is Bill Gates IQ level?

Bill Gates is continuously standing number 1 as world billionaire in the world by Forbes magazine. His IQ Test score is 160 IQ, Bill Gates is a billionaire who always contribute to the world and do charity frequently. People all over the world respect and love him because of his characteristic. However there are things they still do not know about him.

What is Mark Zuckerberg IQ level?

Zuckerberg has an estimated IQ of 152, as reported by several sources. He is considered to be a genius and within the top ranks of intelligent people across the world.

How high is Jeff Bezos IQ?

Jeff has reportedly scored a mind-blowing 160 on an IQ test in the past! This is well above average (100) and puts him near Albert Einstein as one of the smartest people to ever live.

Who is the world greatest genius?

Is it the notion of an accidental prodigy, a social misfit with a spectacular, unparalleled, and uncontainable talent?

Do you picture an athlete capable of defying the laws of physics in the heat of competition, a prodigy of impenetrable brilliance, or a leader of charismatic distinction?

As it happens, any one of these definitions and innumerable others qualify. It would be a boring world if it was made up of only one kind of genius. If every genius was just a great artist, nobody would know how to do any of the accounting. If every genius was just super-good at math, all art would be rendered in connect-the-dot form.

The world needs engineers and entertainers; academics and antagonists; athletes and mathletes. Genius is a catalyst to evolution and innovation. Like humanity itself, genius comes in every shape and size, occupying all disciplines and creating many of its own.

Our list of geniuses is not entirely objective. While many theories and bodies of thought have been dedicated to the idea of multiple intelligences, we know of no method yet in existence that allows us to objectively assess the level of genius evidenced by those in the public eye across the whole spectrum of human pursuits.

The 50 Greatest Living Geniuses

(alphabetically arranged)

1. Paul Allen : Innovator
2. Banksy : Artist
3. Warren Buffet : Businessman
4. Magnus Carlsen : Chess Master
5. Jackie Chan : Martial Artist
6. Robert Christgau : Critic
7. Joel Coen : Director
8. Elias James Corey : Chemist
9. Natalie Zemon Davis : Historian
10. Richard Dawkins : Biologist
11. Placido Domingo : Opera Singer
12. Bob Dylan : Songwriter
13. Ashton J. Eaton : Decathlete
14. Federico Faggin : Engineer
15. Sean Fanning : Software Engineer
16. Stephen Fry : Actor
17. Bill Gates : Computer Programmer
18. Wayne Gretzky : Hockey Player
19. Tenzin Gyatso : Spiritual Leader
20. GZA : Rapper
21. Tony Hawk : Extreme Athlete
22. Stephen Hawking : Physicist
23. Shirley Ann Jackson : Physicist
24. Bill James : Statistician
25. Michael Jordan : Basketball Player
26. Tawakkol Karman : Humanitarian
27. Evangelos Katsioulis : Physician
28. Christopher Langan : Test Master
29. Stan Lee : Media Magnate
30. Yo-Yo Ma : Cellist
31. Cormac McCarthy : Novelist
32. Sir Ian McKellen : Actor
33. Nate Silver : Statistician
34. Elon Musk : Engineer
35. Barack Obama : Politician
36. Conan O’Brien : Humorist
37. Larry Page : Computer Scientist
38. Maya Plisetskaya : Ballet Dancer
39. Judit Polgar : Chess Player
40. Marilyn vos Savant : Columnist
41. Amartya Sen : Economist
42. Tom Stoppard : Playwright
43. Aung San Suu Kyi : Stateswoman
44. Terrence Tao : Mathematician
45. Peter Thiel : Entrepreneur
46. McCoy Tyner : Jazz Pianist
47. Craig Venter : Physiologist
48. Oprah Winfrey : Media Magnate
49. Anna Wintour : Fashion Journalist
50. Mark Zuckerberg : Social Media Magnate


Normal distribution and IQ scores

You can see the percentage of the normal distribution apply to IQ scores below:

  • IQ scores from 90 to 110: 50%;
  • IQ scores from 85 to 115: 70%;
  • IQ scores from 10 to 130: 95%;
  • IQ scores from 60 to 140: 99.5%.

Low IQ & Mental Retardation

child genius iq scores
Only 5% of people in the world are considered as “mental retardation”. Those are people who have an IQ under 70 and find difficult to adapt to the demands of life. There are 4 levels of mental retardation:

  • 50 – 70: mid mental retardation (85%);
  • 35 – 50: moderate mental retardation (10%);
  • 20 – 35: severe mental retardation (4%);
  • < 20: profound mental retardation (1%).

High IQ & Genius IQ Scores

People who get IQ score between 140 and 145 are considered as genius, and just about 25% of the world population achieve that. Here are levels of genius IQ scores:

  • 115 – 124: above average (university students);
  • 125 – 134: gifted (post – graduate students);
  • 135 – 144: highly gifted (intellectuals);
  • 145 – 154: genius (professors);
  • 155 – 164: genius (Nobel Prize winners);
  • 165 – 179: high genius;
  • 180 – 200: highest genius;
  • >200: unmeasurable genius.


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