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Sanity in Curious Expedition 2: How To Restore Sanity? How to Budget?

The key to survival in Curious Expedition 2 is Sanity. This resource will most likely determine if you prevail or fail an exploration. Because of this, it’s important to always keep an eye on your current Sanity level, and know when to restore it. This can be done in a variety of methods, which we’ll go into more detail below.

Sanity in Curious Expedition 2

Sanity represents your party’s mental capability. It is the primary mechanic triggering both positive and negative events.

The golden tick indicates the 30 sanity threshold. Keep an eye on that.
Sanity is the key to survival. You can monitor it on the top right of your screen. Always try to keep it at 30 or higher, as dropping below and resting can trigger negative events. If you cannot, still try to not get to zero sanity which will trigger an Insanity Event after a few days with very bad consequences.

The player spends a piece of climbing gear in the swamps to use less sanity.
Avoid moving through difficult or hazardous terrain, as these cost more sanity than moving through grasslands. Keeping terrain-specific travel items can help reduce these costs.

Also, try to plan your way ahead and move longer distances. Every time you start a trip you pay travel start costs, so many shorter trips will cost you more sanity than less long ones.

Restoring Sanity

You can only restore your sanity in two ways: using certain items or resting somewhere overnight. Since rest spots are few and far between, you will largely depend on keeping a stock of sanity-restoring items to consume during travel.

If you are lucky enough to find a rest spot location, stay overnight as many times as needed to refill your sanity. You can rest in villages, missions and several nature rest locations like a waterfall, healing springs or an overarching rock. The nature rest locations are especially interesting as you do not lose standing nor need to trade to rest. Depending on your route it might make sense to come back to the resting spots.

Curious Expedition 2: How To Restore Sanity

When you reach zero Sanity, there is a chance to cause an Insanity Event. These can have drastic and detrimental effects, and should be avoided at all costs. They can leave your explorers or even main character dead if you trigger too many. Restoring your Sanity quickly and efficiently is essential for survival.

Sanity Restoring Items

When you begin an exploration, you will be given a budget from your club that you can spend on provisions. Early on, you’ll most likely want to spend your money on Sanity restoring items like Chocolate and Whisky. These two items are great for recovering Sanity while exploring, and will be your main methods for doing so.

There are tons of other items that you can use to restore Sanity, like gatherable berries, snails, or meat. As you explore more, you’ll discover better items to restore your Sanity, and some that can only be used at certain Sanity thresholds.


The most efficient way to restore your Sanity is to rest at certain areas. Villages, Missions, and various locations on the island are the perfect spot to settle down and rest for a few days, allowing you to restore your Sanity.


Resting in a village will cost two Standing with the villagers, meaning you won’t be able to stay in a village to long before you’re no longer welcome. If you’ve built up good Standing with the village, however, they’ll let you stay a little while longer.

Additionally, with higher Standing, events may occur in the village while resting. For example, the villagers may ask you to dance with them, which, if performed correctly, will boost your party’s spirits or earn you a special gift. If you can spare the Standing, resting at villages is the way to go.


Similar to Villages, resting at a Mission will also incur a small penalty. At Missions, you will need to pay a fee to rest, which can be done by trading with the Missionary. If you don’t have enough items to trade to the Missionary, you won’t be able to rest here. This makes Missions a bit costly, so you should only rest here if it’s your only option.


The best places to restore Sanity throughout the island are natural rest spots like waterfalls or hot springs. Here, you can rest for as long as you like with no penalty, allowing you to fully recover your Sanity. When you find one of these special locations, be sure to take advantage of it and recover your Sanity.


This method is not as reliable as using items or resting, but can sometimes come in handy. For the first few turns of combat, when ending your turn, you will be restored a small amount of Sanity. Then, as the fight continues, this number will lower, until eventually each turn will deplete your Sanity.

The key here is to finish battles quickly. Taking down all opposing enemies within a few turns can actually grant you more Sanity than you started with, which can be useful in life or death situations where every point counts.


Tips on Sanity in Curious Expedition 2

Budget For Sanity

As you will quickly come to learn, Sanity is one of the most important things to keep track of during your explorations. To that end, we recommend using your starting budget to purchase Alcohol and Chocolate each time you begin a new exploration. These items will come in handy when you’re far away from a rest spot and are running low on precious Sanity.


If you have any leftover cash, you can either save it for merchants you may encounter while exploring, or spend it on useful items like First Aid Kits or Climbing Gear.

Upgrade Each Club

There are three Explorer Clubs that you can join in Curious Expedition 2; The Royal Avalon Society, Lux Labs, and Taishi Academy. When you complete an exploration, all the rewards you collected will be donated to the Club of your choosing, allowing you to upgrade and unlock new items for each Club.

At the start of the game, we recommend rotating frequently between each Club. The items you unlock at early levels of each Club will be of great use early in the game, so you should try and buy them all up as soon as possible. Additionally, each Club offers important perks that are great for the early game, like being able to train up new characters or upgrade weapons.

Stick To The Objective

From the second you begin an exploration on a new island, the countdown will begin until the island is covered in the mysterious purple mist. This is essentially a turn limit that is in place during every exploration. Make sure you’re not spending too much time moving around aimlessly, unless you want to be caught in the purple mist and forced to flee.

Because of this, we recommend sticking to your objective on your first few explorations. Until you get a feel for how to effectively explore each island, it’s better to focus on clearing your main objective before you die or are forced to retreat.

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Simulation games are a genre of games that are designed to mimic activities you’d see in the real world. The purpose of the game may be to teach you something. For example, you could learn how to fish. Others simulation games take on operating a business such as a farm or a theme park.

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