League of Legends

Zeri Build Guide in League of Legends. What is the best Zeri build?

Designed to be League of Legends‘ anti-shield ADC, Zeri’s mixture of mobility and burst potential make her a handful for most Champions. Possessing a unique auto-attack function, she provides a one of a kind playstyle that can quickly overwhelm enemies if they are unprepared while providing fantastic skill expression in late-game teamfights. Here is everything […]

League of Legends

Is VI playable in League of Legends? Jinx And Vi’s Arcane Relationship Explained

Vi was released as a playable champion in League of Legends all the way back in 2012. Her basic abilities have also stayed mostly the same since that time. She plays as a jungler, and has a lot of gap-closing tools and dashes to help make plays across the map. How to get Vi in […]