
The Best CSGO Launch Options to Boost your FPS and Improve Performance in 2022

Best CS:GO Launch Options – These are some console commands, which settle the Counter-Strike: Global Offensive rules before the game is started. For example, with the help of launch options in cs:go you can set up client’s tickrate (-tickrate), monitor frequency (-freq), FPS limitation or fps boost (fps_max), interpolation settings (cl_interp) and other technically-important settings. Only one adjustment of launch options in 2022 is enough to boost the performance of your game. Also we asked our folks (who doing csgo boosting service) for best console command to boost fps they know.

The launch options you select allow the game to run with the chosen technical settings that you type in prior to pressing play. We have a list of the best CSGO launch options that’d help you boost FPS in 2022.

Best CSGO launch options to boost FPS

You may have seen players overload their consoles with dozens of commands. But, you don’t need to add every single launch option in order to run CSGO smoothly. Below are all the commands you need to achieve optimal FPS.

–nojoy: This launch option deactivates the joystick support and decreases the RAM load.

–r_emulate_gl: This launch option warrants a significant boost in FPS by enabling OpenGL emulation on windows.

–forcenovsync: This launch option deactivates the VSync function for CSGO, which can often limit the FPS.

–softparticlesdefaultoff: This launch option is crucial to add as CSGO has a smoke FPS problem. It limits the drop in FPS whenever a utility like a Smoke grenade blooms near the user.

+fps_max 0: It’s a console command but can also be inserted as a launch option. It removes the FPS cap that is enabled by default. You may add this command in order to prevent random spikes and a drastic decrease in FPS.

You may want to refrain from overfeeding irrelevant commands, and some of them can mess with your FPS. Not all launch options are tested so it’s not guaranteed to impact the game positively. Due to this, keep your console commands minimal.

How to fix FPS drop in smoke CSGO

FPS dropping in CSGO is a common issue that many players with low-end PCs face. However, those with optimal builds have also noticed a minor drop. This launch option should help stabilize CSGO FPS in smokes by a small margin.

Open the console and paste this command: –softparticlesdefaultoff. This command disables scene depth blending for particles and sprites, ultimately keeping the FPS stable.

How to Set CSGO Launch Options?

  • Open Steam client and proceed to Library section.
  • Click the right mouse button on CS GO and select properties.
  • Open General tab and click Set Launch Options button.
  • Enter launch options and click OK.

144hz Launch Options

If you’ve got a 144hz monitor and want to make sure you’re actually getting 144 refreshes a second, you should be using the following launch option:

-refresh 144

It’s debated whether or not this command is needed, because CS:GO should set your refresh rate to 144 hertz by default, but it can’t hurt to have it in your launch options just to be safe!

If you’re not getting a refresh rate of 144hz after setting this launch option, make sure that you have changed your Windows graphics settings to 144hz. We’ve provided steps to do this on Windows below.

Windows 10

To enable 144hz on Windows 10:

  • Go to your start menu, search “display settings” and click “Change display settings”
  • At the bottom of the newly opened window, click “Advanced display settings”
  • Click “Display adaptor properties for…” for the monitor you wish to set to 144hz (you may not get this step if you have just one monitor)
  • Click the “Monitor” tab on the newly opened window
  • Set “Screen refresh rate:” to 144 Hertz, click “Apply” and press “OK” – you’re done!

Windows 7 and 8
To enable 144hz on Windows 7 and 8:

  • Go to your desktop, right click, and press “Screen resolution”
    Select the monitor you wish to change settings for, and click “Advanced settings”
  • Click the “Monitor” tab on the newly opened window
  • Set “Screen refresh rate:” to 144 Hertz, click “Apply” and press “OK” – you’re done!
Best CS:GO Launch Options To Improve Performance

Even after boosting FPS if users still want to improve performance they can implement the following CS:GO launch options. Some of these settings are highly unstable so be careful before implementing these and try them out individually just to be safe.


This launch option disables fancy blending in CS:GO. User needs to put a value with after the command and setting this to helps in improving performance considerably, but at the same time makes texture look less detailed.


This launch option forces CS:GO to load all textures, graphics, and sound effects before entering the server. User needs to put a value with after the command and setting this to gives a boost in performance while playing, but extends the time taken to connect to the server and has been a known source for game crashes.


This launch option disables the d3d9ex mode for CS:GO which is turned on by default. It definitely helps resolve some graphic errors but the time taken to minimize and reopen the game increases considerably, increasing the CPU consumption.

CS:GO Launch Options Used By Pro Players

These are the most common CS:GO launch options used by professional players. As these players generally play on high-end systems they only need a few basic parameters like, opening the game quickly, forcing it to run at 240 hz, and most importantly automatically running their config settings.

What launch options do pros use?

These are the most common CS:GO launch options used by professional players.

What does Freq 240 do CSGO?

-freq 240 – Customization of play frequency for CSGO. The possible refresh rate values are: 60, 75, 120, 144, 165, 240, 265, 285, 360. -d3d9ex – Command for switching on Direct3D 9Ex technology, unloading processor at 40%, while loading video card.

How Show FPS CS:GO?

Once in the console, type in the command “cl_showfps 1” without the quotes to make CS:GO show fps. With that entered, the game will start displaying your framerate.

Is CS:GO CPU or GPU intensive?

CS:GO is a CPU-oriented game, which means that the rate depends on CPU performance. An important point to consider is that CS:GO is one game which doesn’t utilize multiple CPU cores.

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