Gaming Valorant

Valorant Silver Rank: Challenges, Agents To Pick, And How To Get Out Of It?

Do you play ranked all day long and stand still with your rank? We’ve got you covered! Here’s a compiled list of the 5 most commonly overlooked things for improving your game and making your way out of elo hell. If you have ambitions for a Radiant rank, make sure the following tips are on the agenda in your climbing routine. Let’s get you to higher ranks in Valorant!

VALORANT Silver Rank

A staggering 38.7% of the players were in Silver by the August of this year, making it the most occupied rank in VALORANT. Interestingly, Silver is a very critical rank to surpass due to many factors. Once surpassed the trouble doesn’t fade away since the quality of your teammates might still remain the same in Gold 1 or 2. So, the general difference between a Silver & Gold player might not be too far apart when it comes to the basics.

Silver 3 being the “Unluckiest Rank”

If you are currently a Silver 2 or 3, chances are that you might be facing a hardstuck Gold 3 on your next match while your team will be full of recently promoted Bronze 3s. Obviously, it won’t be a balanced matchmaking experience by means but it’s gonna end up hurting your elo a lot. This is exactly where people are forced to call this the most cursed rank in VALORANT. It’s not like matchmaking is an issue in Silver alone, but it’s definitely the most common scenario in Silver.

Agents to Pick in Silver

Silver is probably the best rank to get a grip on Jett. Her potentials are virtually unlimited with the Operator. Playing Jett will enable you to understand passive-aggressive playstyles. Such understanding will eventually make you a better entry-fragger.

Killjoy is undeniably one of the most important agents in VALORANT. Playing Killjoy requires a good sense of positioning. Aside from that, learning to place your ability correctly will significantly boost your map reading skills. It takes time to bring perfection to an agent like Killjoy, so it might help you gain consistency as well.

No matter what rank you are in, playing Sova will always be a default option. Sova’s ability makes him a crucial requirement for any team. Learning to play Sova has many different upper hands. A good Sova Recon Bolt can help your team win an entire round, similarly, a perfectly timed ultimate can win you a post-plant scenario.

Playing Astra in Silver can be a difficult choice considering the fact that she is a team agent. Since the quality of your teammates in ranked matches can vary, so playing Astra will require you to communicate first. Aside from these factors, Astra is a very impactful agent if played correctly. Her Gravity Well, Nova Pulse & Cosmic Divides are perfect abilities to take early map control.

Tips to get out Silver quickly in Valorant

If you’re good at tracking radar, aiming, peeking at enemies, and still find yourself in low ELO for months, you may be doing a few things wrong. These tips should help you get out of Silver quickly.

Create a warmup routine
It’s crucial to have a warmup routine and religiously follow it before joining games. Refrain from aimlessly shooting enemies in deathmatch, which rarely ever helps, especially if you’re new. Try to create a proper routine that warms up your aim and puts you in the right mindset.

Practice shooting moving targets
Be aware that your opponents are often going to be mobile during live games. Valorant has a run and gun problem, which becomes a menace with agents like Raze and Jett. It’s easy to hit a stationary target on the practice range, but you won’t always have those opportunities when you’re competing. Instead of running across the range shooting at stationary targets, try practicing against moving targets from one spot.

Pick Reyna or Phoenix in ranked games
You may want to drop your controller or initiator for a while, especially if you are solo queuing. As basic as it may sound, picking Reyna or Phoenix in Silver and Gold is the ultimate key to ranking up. Here’s why.

Stop crouching
You may want to adopt good habits if you’re still learning to shoot in Valorant, and crouching isn’t one of them. You may see a lot of players crouch and shoot in Valorant, but it’s just an invitation to get headshot.

Find a five-stack
You have a higher chance of winning a Valorant silver game when you queue in a five-stack lobby. As mentioned earlier, the category feature in Valorant makes it challenging to rely on teammates to fulfill their roles appropriately.


This tip has been talked about countless times before on different platforms, yet many players continue their bad habits of not focusing on it. Having great aim is a crucial part of having success in any FPS game, and crosshair placement is the key ingredient.

If your crosshair is always placed around head level when you’re moving around the map, all you need to do when an enemy appears is click. Flicks are cool but you will not climb like that.

This is probably the elo where your performance starts to be greatly impacted by your warm up routine in Valorant. Most of the players in lower elos suffer from inconsistency caused by various reasons. One game you are dropping a 30 kill nuke and the next one you are the bottom frag. You start the day losing games but get better as the session goes on? Having a good warm up routine before playing helps with this.

Up until this point, most of the players have climbed on sheer game sense and aim, but in Silver, utility starts to make an impact. You should already know that the utility in this game is determined by your agent choice, the map, and the execution. Silver is the perfect place to start incorporating abilities into your gameplay.

Since this is the elo, where most players get stuck at, this is the perfect time to start learning by watching the Valorant silver rank. Yes you have learned some basic concepts but most of the time you are not even using it. Watching streamers makes you realize all the mistakes you are making unintentionally and how they prevent you from climbing.

Is Silver rank good in Valorant?

About 58% of all players have a Bronze or Silver rank in Valorant, so having these ranks means being average.

Is Silver hard in Valorant?

How to get out of Silver in Valorant. Getting out of Silver in Valorant isn’t easy due in part to smurfs and higher-skilled players filling the lower queues as they rank up. One of the easiest ways to beat the smurfs at their game is by making use of strong weapons that are difficult to counter even with superior aim.

Can Silver Play bronze?

Iron, Bronze, and Silver ranks can play together without any limitations.

Is Bronze 2 a good rank?

Is Bronze II a Good Rank? Being ranked in Bronze II is sadly not great but it is slightly better than the worst rank in the game. This rank in RL means that players are technically better than 98,8% of players including those that are unranked.

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