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What is the best weapon in Dead by Daylight used by killers? What are some qualities of a good game weapon?

In Dead By Daylight, each Killer comes with a special attack or ability, a weapon, and three unique Perks. The choice of Killer matters for their unique powers. Several Killers have the ability to shoot projectiles from some distance and still injure Survivors. These Killers can often strike before their Terror Radius alerts any Survivors to their presence, making it easier for them to catch Survivors by surprise.

What is the best weapon in Dead by Daylight used by killers?

While each Killer has a unique weapon, they are all functionally identical. All Killers will do a basic attack when the attack button [Mouse 1 on PC, Right Trigger on console] is pressed. Here’s how basic attacks function:

Tapping the basic attack button to basic attack. This attack is quick but short-ranged.
Holding the basic attack button will cause you to lunge attack, temporarily increasing your movement speed for the duration of the lunge. Note that the lunge range is tied to your move speed pre-lunge, so you should try to build up a bit of momentum before lunging. Basically, don’t lunge if you’re standing still.
For both types of basic attacks, a successful hit has a 3-second cooldown, and a missed attack has a 1.5-second cooldown (hitting obstacles counts as a miss). Your movement speed is significantly reduced while your basic attack is on cooldown.

What are some qualities of a good game weapon?

Video games are one of the best artistic mediums for escapism. They can tell stories, introduce us to new characters, and take us to exciting worlds we’d never be able to explore in real life.

Unlike movies and TV shows, video games let us take control of a character and create our own decisions. They let us tell our own stories and allow us to move around at our own pace, at least to a certain extend.

Different games offer different levels of explorationm, customization, or dynamic stories and environments.

One of the most important parts of how a game plays is the tools it gives the player – specifically the weapons it lets us wield. Most video games have opponents of some kind whether they are other players or computer enemies.

If the game is going to be fun and memorable, it has to have satisfying weapons.

Many video game weapons have stood out over the years. However, some have stood far above the rest. These weapons bring unparalleled destruction to the player’s opponents and they are as iconic as the games they come from.

Five Things That Make For A Good Power Weapon

Competition demands dominion. Dominion begets power. And, if you’re serious about keeping that power, chances are power weapons come into the picture.

Power weapons are tools that allow us to deal immense damage. Think stuff like sniper rifles, or even vehicles like tanks. These can dictate the entire flow of the match, so it’s not surprising that they’re so important in multiplayer games. Players must resolve to always be in control of power weapons, even if they’re not using them.

I’d go so far as to say that, if done right, power weapons are one of the elements that define the entire experience. What is Gears of War without its chainsaw gun? What is Halo without the Energy Sword?

Sure, these weapons are available in the single-player modes, but the titillation of defeating an AI is not the same as defeating an actual person. People struggle, they fight back—which makes destroying them with a power weapon all the more gratifying (despite how unsettling it is to say!)

Having your stock rocket launcher, your sniper rifles, your shotguns is simple enough; many games have them. Developing a good power weapon is much more difficult. This is my criteria for the makings of a good power weapon—though naturally, a weapon doesn’t have to fulfill all of these traits at once.

It has to make you feel cool

Weapons in a game are like extensions of ourselves. They represent us in some way. Think about it: you often can’t see more than your hands and your gun, so you might as well say you are are the gun. And if the purpose of most games can be boiled down to “power fantasies,” then a good power weapon knows how to make a player feel like a badass.

My favorite example here would have to be the Ghost from Halo. The glide of the vehicle is otherworldly, making zipping through the maps a joy even if you’re not shooting anyone. It’s what I imagine handling a futuristic motorcycle would be like—the very epitome of cool.

There has to be risk on top of the reward

You can’t just give a player immense power without there being a catch. It’s partially a matter of balance: making a weapon dangerous to use gives other players a fighting chance. It’s also a matter of design—the ‘reward’ is all the more satisfying if it’s something that could easily ruin you. Never underestimate the thrill of dancing with danger and then getting away with it.

As an example, the OneShot in Gears of War takes a normal sniper rifle and super charges it. It’s literally one shot one kill, no matter where the shot lands—and it can go through some cover. It also has a long charge time, a visible aiming laser, it’s audible, and scoping in makes it difficult to be cognizant of what’s going on around you—which makes you easy pickings.

The benefits of risk and reward also explains the recent obsession with bows and crossbows in many multiplayer games (Tomb Raider, Far Cry 3, Crysis 3, Gears of War: Judgement, etc)—bows often require enough precision that, should you miss, an enemy can probably gun you down before you have a chance to take another shot. If you don’t miss, though—chances are one arrow is all it takes to kill someone.

It has to be unique

What use is having a power weapon if it’s much like your normal weapons—or hell, like the weapons in other games? You can’t feel cool with a run of the mill gun; that’s why stuff like “rocket launcher” doesn’t make the cut. A unique power weapon is also necessary to establish a game’s identity and flair, ultimately encapsulating what sets game X apart from game Y.

Uncharted is the game where you can call down spiders on people. Call of Duty is the game where you can nuke the entire playing field. Gears of War is the game where you can chainsaw people with a lancer. All rather memorable experiences—and memorable games. This aspect is probably the most difficult.

It has to have complexity and nuance

This is somewhat related to risk and reward, in that it’s both a balancing issue (players have to earn the right to use a power weapon) and that, if done right, complexity and nuance make the payoff that much better.

Giving a weapon complexity and nuance also keeps things interesting for the player, which is good for long-term gaming. If adhered to, complexity and nuance means the weapon requires some form of mastery to use—which eliminates stuff like ‘noob tubes’ from consideration.

Would piloting an Apache in Battlefield be the same if anyone could do it with ease and finesse from the get-go? Probably not. And the same goes for figuring out, say, the nuances of how the Scattershot bullets in Halo bounce off surfaces, or how the many ways in which you can use a Digger in Gears of War is as enjoyable as the moment when you pull the trigger.

It has to make you feel powerful

And what of normal guns? Arguably, they should follow all these mandates too. I’d say that the best weapons empower you such that, with proper usage and know-how, there’s barely any difference between a power weapon and a normal weapon. That’s why even small side arms, like the Magnum in Left 4 Dead, can feel so powerful despite not being a special gun or ability.

The best weapon in Dead by Daylight used by killers


One of the original trio, Evan, is a sadistic killer, one that idolises his daddy too much, which led to the deaths of more than 100 miners – not that his involvement in the tragedy has ever been proven.


Evan chooses to wield a cleaver, one that he created himself using the metals found in his family’s mine.


The second of the original trio is The Wraith. He was once a decent human being, simply trying to make a living at a scrap yard, choosing to ignore the criminal activity that took place there. So long as Philip wasn’t involved, he didn’t care. That is, until he discovers a man in the trunk of a car. Letting him go, the man doesn’t get far before Philip’s boss kills him, prompting Ojomo to murder his boss and disappear.


The Wraith’s weapon is known as Azarov’s skull, which, as its name implies, is a skull, though it’s still attached to the spine of the person Philip tore it from.


The final killer of the original trio is Max Thompson Jr, and to say his upbringing was despicable would be an understatement. His parents were wealthy landowners, having a child they didn’t ask for, one that’s disfigured, causing them to lock him away. However, revenge is a sweet dish, one that Max served cold when he ferociously murdered his parents.


The Hillbilly uses a cattle hammer, one that is efficient for slaughtering many people.


Dead by Daylight welcomed The Doctor in 2017, and he’s a bit insane. He got his killing career started in a prison, one where his one job was to extract information, and he took this to mean by any means necessary.


The Doctor’s weapon is known as the stick, and it’s an old favourite of his. It always extracts information, even if other instruments fail.


Jeffrey got the stereotypical start in his murder career, and that’s killing innocent animals when he was a child, slowly tackling larger prey as he grew older. Eventually, his father found some of his ‘trophies’ which led Hawk to join a travelling circus, thus becoming a clown, and providing him ample opportunity to commit the most heinous of crimes while on the move.


When the world slips you a Jeffrey, run. Just run, unless you want to fall victim to his butterfly knife.


Ah, here’s an unpredictable killer for you. Talbot is a chemist with questionable methods, and a will to push the limits. Eventually, after using many victims to create a pain-withstanding drug, he was kidnapped, his abductor taking him to a grave full of hundreds of bodies. These were the men that lost their lives to his work, thus he was beaten and left for dead in the grave himself. Yet he was rescued, and taken to a monastery. Unfortunately, his time here would only end in blood and death. A genius lost to his own psyche and genius.


The Blight uses the bonebuster, which does exactly what it says on the tin, busts bones.


Now, now ladies and gents, we admit he’s pretty, but that’s no reason to make yourself an easy target by fangirling or fanboying over him. A talented singer, Ji-Woon joined a band, and this proved to be a deadly choice as the narcissist was unhappy sharing the love and adoration of his fans with others, thus he did the most natural thing in the world, start a fire that consumed his bandmates. He then acted like a hero, loving the praise sent his way, but in his mind, he snapped – beginning a horrific spree that would go in the history books.


The Trickster uses the polished head smasher.


Say hello to yet another horror icon – who would have thought a game full of killers would feature so many legends. Pinhead is best known as the leader of the Cenobites in the Hellraiser universe. He, like his demons – or angels, depending on your point of view – indulges himself and others in the thrill of pleasure and pain.


The Cenobite chooses to attack with a hook and chain, the best way to mix pleasure and pain.

Can you get dead by daylight for free?

The scarily popular online slasher has also launched its 22nd DLC. The good news is that if you just own the base game you won’t be locked off from playing against DLC monsters, and the maps themed after these monsters are open to base game players too.

Can 1 person play dead by daylight?

Behaviour Interactive Inc. Dead by Daylight is a multiplayer (4vs1) horror game where one player takes on the role of the savage Killer, and the other four players play as Survivors, trying to escape the Killer and avoid being caught and killed

How long is DBD free?

Conversation. Dead by Daylight is now available on the Epic Games Store! To celebrate, the base game can be claimed for FREE from December 2nd to December 9th and will be yours to keep forever! In addition, most DLCs are also available at 50% off until December 8th

How old should you be to play Dead by Daylight?

It’s quite literally accessible by everyone. I rated the game as great for people above 16 years of age because this is the pretty standard age at which people can start to consume media like this. Children who are a bit more mature and don’t upset easily could obviously play this game earlier

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