League of Legends

Zeri Build Guide in League of Legends. What is the best Zeri build?

Designed to be League of Legends‘ anti-shield ADC, Zeri’s mixture of mobility and burst potential make her a handful for most Champions. Possessing a unique auto-attack function, she provides a one of a kind playstyle that can quickly overwhelm enemies if they are unprepared while providing fantastic skill expression in late-game teamfights. Here is everything about Zeri build and game play.

Zeri Build Coming in 12.3

The electrically charged champion has already caught the attention of the nerf bat as although one nerf, Zeri’s interaction with Runaan’s Hurricane has been changed according to Riot August. Zeri’s R is no longer an on-hit effect, meaning that the hurricane bolts no longer apply it.

With that in mind though, Riot has announced more nerfs to come to her in the next patch scheduled to release on Wednesday, February 2nd.

Zeri Build Abilities

As a vigilante who protects those in need, Zeri is looking to bring that same energy to Summoner’s Rift.

In-game, Zeri is classified as an ADC with a very unique Auto Attack that takes advantage of her powerful abilities that dorn electricity. Check out her abilities and passive in full below:

Passive – Living Battery

Zeri gains Move Speed whenever she receives a shield. When she damages an enemy shield she absorbs its energy, shielding herself.

Q – Burst Fire

Passive: Zeri’s basic attack deals magic damage, scales with AP, and is treated as an ability. Moving and casting Burst Fire stores up energy in Zeri’s Sparkpack. When fully charged, her next basic attack will slow and deal bonus damage.

Active: Burst Fire shoots a burst of 7 rounds that deal physical damage to the first enemy hit. Burst Fire scales with AD and is treated like an attack, with the first round applying on-hit effects. Its cooldown matches Zeri’s basic attack timer.

W – Ultrashock Laser

Zeri fires an electric pulse that slows and damages the first enemy hit. If the pulse hits a wall it fires a long range laser from the point of impact.

E – Spark Surge

Zeri dashes a short distance and energizes her next 3 casts of Burst Fire, causing them to pierce through enemies. She will vault over or grind along any terrain she dashes into, depending on the angle. Hitting a champion with an attack or ability reduces Spark Surge’s cooldown.

R – Lightning Crash

Zeri discharges a nova of electricity, damaging nearby enemies, and overcharges herself for a moderate duration. While overcharged, Zeri gains increased damage, Attack Speed, and Move Speed. Attacking enemy champions refreshes the overcharge duration and adds another stack of Move Speed. While overcharged, Burst Fire’s damage concentrates into a faster triple shot that chains lightning between enemies.

Best Zeri Build

Zeri rune set with the best potential for Zeri build. Also, there are minor nodes that you can take to play Zeri in League of Legends.

As for the best item set, there are starting items. These are the items that you need to buy at the start of the game before you go on your lane. Then, there are early items, later you will upgrade them to the whole items for Zeri build. Finally, there are Mythical and Core items that you’ll need to focus on to win the game.

Skill order or skill priorities are very important in the game so that you will start winning the lane before you buy any powerful items. Skill order shows what skill you should upgrade on every level.

Zeri Gameplay Overview

As an ADC, Zeri’s primary goal in the laning phase is to acquire gold and experience. Despite being a relatively short-range character, with the right Support she has the potential to bully her opponents out of lane. However, you should be aware that you are not going to be dominant in a lot of matchups, and while looking out for opportunities to be aggressive with your Spark Surge dash can prove exceptionally beneficial, you should be careful.

Your ability to damage while on the move with Burst Fire means you can effectively chase opponents down and a well-placed Ultrashock Laser slow can provide all the opportunity you require for an engage, but your low health and somewhat weak early sustained damage need to be considered.

Despite Ultrashock Laser being greatly magnified when cast over terrain, you may struggle to find applicable situations. If the lane is kept evenly in the middle, it might become extremely difficult for you to land a good shot. Unless playing an Ability Power build, Zeri is certainly not a natural poke Champion, and your best bet is to get up close and personal.

Harassing with a charged auto-attack is nice, but your main damage is simply always going to be Burst Fire. It is a DPS loss to weave autos in between, so allow it to build up before expending charge.

While Zeri has the potential to surprise an opponent with your burst, you should be aware that she is also extremely squishy. Farming until level six and then becoming aggressive is an option, as Lightning Crash gives you a strong cooldown to use in a skirmish.

Tips & Tricks
  • Spark Surge is a valuable spell, but has a long cooldown. Use it to get out of a tricky situation, or to finish off an enemy that would usually be out of reach.
  • Remember, you can spam Burst Fire to help farm, as it has no cost and very little cooldown.
  • Always keep moving on Zeri, as this way you’ll deal more damage and win trades.
  • If the enemy jungler ganks, try to hop over a wall with Spark Surge. This will help you escape, and could force the burning of a summoner spell.
    If you’re winning lane, feel free to roam up to midlane – you can cover great distance quickly with Spark Surge.
What lane is zeri?

Bringing Precision to Bot Lane. Most League champs start as a creative seed—something the team uses as a jumping off point. But rather than a gameplay hook, someone from our lore, or a beautiful piece of concept art, Zeri began her life as a gun

Is zeri out yet?

Zeri should be releasing after the 12.2 Patch and arrive in League of Legends on the 20th January 2022.

Why is League of Legends so popular?

Why League of Legends is so popular: It’s free to play, and there are no Riot endorsed mechanisms to “pay to win.” It’s arguably the most easily approachable modern MOBA in terms of how the champions and items work, and how the map and objectives are clearly defined.

Is the League of Legends FREE?

League of Legends, the wildly popular multiplayer online battle arena PC game is “free-to-play” as well. … Like many “freemium” or “free-to-play” games, League of Legends offers players the core game for free and then optionally charges them for premium content such as in-game currency, extra content, or customizations.

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