
Tom Hanks Explores Using AI to Continue Acting After His Death

Two-time Oscar winner Tom Hanks is exploring the possibility of using artificial intelligence to continue acting in films even after he dies. In a recent interview, Hanks said that new AI technology could allow him to “play parts I’d never even dream of” long after he’s gone.

Hanks Intrigued By AI’s Acting Potential

In the interview, Hanks said he found the idea of AI actors “fascinating.” He said “The idea that digital actors could become common and possibly even outperform human actors is very interesting to me as an actor and a consumer of films.”

How AI Doubles Work

Hanks is likely referring to AI doubles that are generated using deepfakes and trained on large datasets of an actor’s performances. With enough training data and advances in AI, these doubles could eventually achieve near-perfect realism.

Potential Benefits And Risks

While Hanks sees the potential benefits for creativity, there are also ethical considerations. Some worry that AI actors could displace human actors or create unrealistic beauty standards. Others point out the technology could democratize access to acting by lowering financial barriers.

Hanks Remains Focused On Current Career

Despite his interest in AI acting, Hanks reiterated that he is still focused on his current career and has “no plans to stop acting anytime soon.” He said “I still love doing what I do now. I’m just keeping an open mind for the future possibilities that technology may provide.”

In the end, Hanks’ willingness to consider AI’s role in acting suggests a thoughtful view of technological change from one of Hollywood’s most respected actors. While expressing caution, he also sees potential benefits – if the technology is handled responsibly.

Also read :

What did Tom Hanks say about AI acting?

Hanks said he finds the idea of using AI to continue acting after his death “fascinating.”

How could AI allow actors to continue performing after death?

Through the use of deepfakes and training AI models on an actor’s past performances, AI doubles could eventually achieve near-perfect realism.

What are the potential benefits of AI actors according to Hanks?

Hanks said AI actors could “play parts I’d never even dream of” and provide new creative possibilities.

What are some of the risks of AI actors?

Some worry that AI actors could displace human actors or create unrealistic beauty standards.

Does Hanks plan to use AI to continue acting after his death?

While Hanks is keeping an open mind, he clarified that he has no current plans to stop acting or use AI to continue performing after his death.

What is Hanks currently focused on?

Hanks said he is still focused on his current career as an actor and still loves what he does.

How does Hanks view technological change?

Hanks’ willingness to consider AI’s role suggests a thoughtful view of technological change, though he expresses some caution.

When did Hanks make these comments about AI acting?

Hanks made these remarks about the possibilities of AI acting in a recent interview, as mentioned in the Deadline article from May 2023.

How many Oscars does Tom Hanks have?

Tom Hanks has won two Academy Awards – Best Actor for Philadelphia in 1994 and Forrest Gump in 1995.

What other films is Tom Hanks known for?

Other well-known Tom Hanks films include Cast Away, Saving Private Ryan, Apollo 13, Toy Story, The Da Vinci Code, and The Terminal.