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Jello Shot Recipe : How to Make Jello Shots with Vodka? Strong with Tequila

how to make strong jello shots? how long do jello shots need to set?

jello shot recipe + halloween jello shots

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Everything You Need to Know About Jello Shots

Nothing gets a party started like a Jello Shot.

The jiggly treats are an instant eye catcher regardless of whether you’re in college, have entered the workforce, or have been navigating this so called life for more years than you’d like to admit. Yet as endlessly fun as Jello Shots are, there are still some things you probably don’t know about them and at this point are too afraid to ask. Here are all of the answers you need in one place.

What are Jello Shots?

Jello Shots are a mix of water, flavored gelatin and alcohol. They’re semi-solid, and often served in disposable paper or plastic cups. Jello Shots are most often associated with college parties and the Jell-O brand, but the history of the treat goes back to at least 1862 and the book The Bartender’s Guide.

What kind of alcohol do you put in Jello Shots?

Vodka is the most common alcohol associated with Jello Shots, but you can use whatever alcohol you’d like. Use rum for a Rum and Coke Jello Shot, tequila for a Tequila Sunrise Jello Shot, and Fireball for a straight up Fireball Jello Shot. If you can dream it, there’s a good chance you can Jello Shot it.

What kind of vodka is best for Jello Shots?

Other than flavored vodka, which you use for specific desirable flavors, you can use whatever kind or brand of vodka you’d like. Most qualities of the vodka will be eclipsed by the Jell-O, so you don’t have to use anything nice. But if you only drink top shelf vodka, you do your Jello Shot self.

How much alcohol is in a Jello Shot?

Ratios vary, but if you put too much alcohol into your Jello Shot then it won’t set. In general, a basic batch of Jello Shots is made with one cup of juice or water, one packet of gelatin, a half cup of cold water and half a cup of alcohol. With these proportions, you’ll end up with a Jello Shot that’s around 10-percent ABV.

How much Jell-O do you need for Jello Shots?

You need a 3-ounce box of gelatin to make 10 2-ounce Jello Shots.

How long can you keep Jello Shots?

In a covered container in the refrigerator, Jello Shots can last for seven to 10 days.

How do you make strong Jello Shots?

Too-strong Jello Shots are almost worse than Jello Shots that are too weak. Jello Shots, like life, are all about balance. That said, if you want a strong one, it is possible if you leave it in the fridge long enough. In a Supercall experiment, we found that the strongest Jello Shot that will set is three-to-one ratio of 80-proof alcohol to water, and it took a full day to become mostly solid.

Can you put a Jello Shot in the freezer?

If you procrastinated, the freezer is not going to help your Jello Shot set faster. Ice and a frosty top form on the shots. It’s best to stick to the refrigerator.


Jell-O Shots – Are they legal?

There are no specific laws that apply specifically to Jell-O shots. The primary concern is that retailers (bars) may not pre-mix a beverage (including a Jell-O shot) so the only legal means of selling a Jell-O shot is to purchase a pre-made product from the manufacturer/wholesaler.

If you could make fresh Jell-O type shot on the spot to serve, it would meet the requirements. However, recipes that require setting time for the Jell-O are considered premixing under the New York liquor laws.


How much alcohol can you put in Jello Shots?

Technically, you should put 1/2 cup of liquor into your Jello Shots. However, you can use as much as 2/3 cup without changing the texture of the Jello Shots. If you add too much alcohol, it will cause the Jello Shots to not set properly.

What is the best liquor to use for Jello Shots?

Vodka and white rum are both great options for your alcohol, although other spirits, like gin, whiskey, tequila and brandy are all fair game. Vodka is the most neutral, so it will allow the Jell-O to shine, while other spirits will infuse more of their own essence into the final product.

Do Jello Shots get u drunk?

DON’T Expect Jello Shots to Get You Drunk

The alcohol in a Jello Shot may jump out and make you believe it’s super high-ABV, but that’s unlikely. … While people can go heavier on the booze, the standard Jello Shot holds significantly less alcohol than a regular shot.

What happens if you put too much vodka in Jello shots?

How much alcohol is in a Jello Shot? Ratios vary, but if you put too much alcohol into your Jello Shot then it won’t set. In general, a basic batch of Jello Shots is made with one cup of juice or water, one packet of gelatin, a half cup of cold water and half a cup of alcohol.

How long does it take for Jello shots to kick in?

How long does it take for gelatin shots to set? These shots take about 1 1/2 to 2 1/2 hours to firm up, depending on the size of the shots. If you take the shots out of your refrigerator and they are still liquid, place them back in the refrigerator.

Can you use ice cube trays for Jello shots?

Jello Shots take only about 5 minutes of prep (and an hour or so to chill). Choose any fruity gelatin flavor and some fun shaped ice cube molds or even plain old ice cube trays if you must. But make sure you make plenty because they’ll be gone before you know it! Cheers!

Can you freeze Jello shots to make it set faster?

Even if you do successfully freeze Jello shots, you and your guests won’t like how the gelatin would taste and feel in your mouth. Freezing destroys the chemical structure of gelatin and causes it to crystallize and expand. … If you want your Jello shots to set quickly, don’t put them in the freezer.

Do you chew a jello shot?

Once you have the Jello shot in your mouth, don’t chew or try to swallow it in one big chunk. Swish it around like mouthwash until it breaks down enough to swallow. Jello shots have about half of the alcohol of a usually shot, but it is easy to overdo it due to the novelty factor. Pace yourself and drink responsibly.

How do you eat jello shot syringes?
  • Mix jello with 1 cup of boiling water. Stir well until all the jello is dissolved.
  • Stir in rum and vodka.
  • Take caps off syringes and suck two ounces of the shot mixture into each one. …
  • Put caps back on and transfer to fridge to set, about four hours.
    Serve and enjoy!

The DOs and DON’Ts of Taking Jello Shots, According to an Expert

Jello Shots are the epitome of fun, carefree drinking—it’s pretty much impossible to scowl while eating one.

But if you’re presented with a Jello Shot for the first time, or if you’re taking one in polite company, it can be hard to know exactly how to down the jiggly shooter with composure (and without making a fool of yourself). So we talked to Chris Williams, bar manager of The Meatball Shop, which is home of all sorts of Jello Shot varieties (Margarita Jello Shots, Gin n Juice Jello Shots, Long Island Iced Tea Jello Shots, you name it). Heed his expert advice so you look like a pro the next you down one of these wiggly, wobbly shots.

DO Use a Tool to Get Jello Shots Out of a Glass Shot Glass

The Meatball Shop serves their Jello Shots in glass shot glasses, which would be hard to shoot without a little help. “Generally, if you’re going to catch one out of glass, there will be a toothpick or some other implement given along with it to loosen it from the glass,” Williams explains. “You’re going to take your toothpick and run it around the edge. What you want to make sure is that it comes off the bottom of the glass. Make sure it disconnects.” Once the shot is free from the glass, you can simply tip it back into your mouth or give it a little nudge using the toothpick.

DON’T Use the Toothpick to Break Up the Shot

Williams loves to present the uber-American Jello Shot to visitors from around the world, but he’s noticed tourists from the U.K. in particular tend to take Jello Shots the wrong way. “For some reason, people from the U.K. take it and swish it around so it becomes an impossibly gloopy thing, and then they throw it back with every appearance of enjoyment,” he says. “I tried it and it’s disgusting. It’s a textural nightmare. It’s like cold, boozy tapioca.”

DO Feel Free to Use Your Finger for a Jello Shot Served in Plastic

If the shot is presented in a plastic cup instead of a real shot glass, it may not come with a toothpick. In that case (because the occasion is probably less formal given the plasticware), you should use the tools Mother Nature gave you and run your finger around the edge of the cup to loosen the shot. “Loosen it up old school like you’re in college,” Williams adds. He also points out that if you feel the shot has enough gelatin, you can simply pluck it out of the cup with your fingers and pop it into your mouth.

DO Squeeze Plastic Cups

If there’s not a cocktail napkin in sight, you might not want to use your fingers to free the Jello Shot. Squeezing a plastic cup as you tilt the shot back works just fine. Assuming your host used food grade plastic, then there’s little chance the cup will break as you squeeze it.

DON’T Use Your Tongue on a Glass Shot Glass

Your tongue is not dextrous enough to free a Jello Shot from a glass shot glass. “You’re going to look very, very silly,” Williams says. “You’re going to look like a cow trying to lick the inside of a bowl because these [shot glasses] are very clear and we can see your tongue lapping around. It doesn’t quite give you the torque.”

DO Use Your Tongue on a Plastic Shot Glass

On the other hand, he says, “If you have the short, wide, round plastic ones, then absolutely. Go nuts.” Plus, he’s ready with a backup plan if you still have trouble. “If you start that and it’s not working out, you can go back to the squeeze method, and you’re golden.”

DO Swish the Shot Like Mouthwash

Williams suggests breaking up the shot a bit in your mouth instead of trying to gulp it down whole. “Clench your teeth and treat it like mouthwash,” he says. “If they’re made to the right consistency, once it warms up in your mouth a little bit, you can swish it around and it becomes the consistency of cough syrup but with a better flavor.” He does warn that a Jello Shot made with too much gelatin won’t break down quite the same way and will split into chunks. At that point, you have no choice but to swallow.

How to Make Jello Shots with Vodka

also read :

Jello Shot Recipe

Jell-O Shot

Just thinking about Jell-O Shots probably reminds you of a college party or other event where cheap beer dominated and trash cans doubled as punch bowls. But who says Jell-O Shots have to end after college? These tried-and-true party drinks are fun, easy to make and instant crowd-pleasers. And, with a little effort, you can create better-than-usual shots featuring quality liquor and complementary flavors, rather than grain alcohol and a flash of neon.

When making Jell-O Shots, you just need three ingredients: gelatin, water and liquor. Any flavor of gelatin will work, but do not use the unflavored variety, or you’ll be the unwitting creator of sad, tasteless shots. Vodka and white rum are both great options for your alcohol, although other spirits, like gin, whiskey, tequila and brandy are all fair game. Vodka is the most neutral, so it will allow the Jell-O to shine, while other spirits will infuse more of their own essence into the final product.

If you’re feeling ambitious, you can even make Jell-O Shot cocktails, like a Whiskey Sour, Margarita or Daiquiri. In that case, you need to match the cocktail ingredients with the liquid requirement in the recipe. For example, if you’re making a Daiquiri and using one package of gelatin, the rum, lime juice, and simple syrup should maintain their proper ratios while keeping the total volume of non-boiling liquid (cocktail plus cold water) to eight ounces.

Jell-O Shots are a blank canvas for creativity, so mix it up with different colors, flavors and shapes. Your friends will love them.


  • 3 ounces Jell-O or other flavored gelatin
  • 8 ounces boiling water
  • 4 ounces vodka or white rum
  • 4 ounces cold water


  • In a medium bowl, stir together the Jell-O and boiling water until the Jell-O dissolves.
  • Add the vodka or rum and cold water, and stir to combine.
  • Pour 1 ounce of the mixture into each of the 16 shot glasses (small plastic or paper cups will also work) and chill until solid.

How to Make Vodka Jello Shots

Vodka Jello Shots are a classic party cocktail that’s easy to whip up and can be made in any flavor of Jello you love! Be sure to make a bunch, they go fast!

Ready to make the most beloved college party cocktail ever? Vodka jello shots have been a staple with my friends and me ever since our 20’s. We’d make them for Saturday nights at Chris’s house, we’d take them tubing down the Salt River, and they popped up just about every time someone had a party. What’s not to love about jello shots?! They’re easy to make, everyone loves them, and the colors make them extra fun. So clear out some space in your fridge and let’s get going!
This is your basic vodka jello shots recipe. We’re not making them from scratch with unflavored gelatin. We’re using boxes of flavored Jell-O gelatin mix to make these jell o shots.

While I love cocktail-inspired jello shots, simple, classic jello shots with vodka are my go-to for any occasion that warrants jello shots.
The only real decision you have to make for this recipe is which flavor of Jell-O (and vodka) you want to use. Decisions decisions.
Best Vodka for Jello Shots

Picking your favorite jello flavor is only half the battle. You need to have a good vodka too.

I’m not talking about the high end $35 a bottle stuff. That’s for martinis and vodka soda. For these jello shots, a $12 bottle of Absolut or Smirnoff will work just fine.

Don’t pick a bottom shelf big plastic bottle. The vodka will come through in the shots and you want a vodka that’s smoother.

How to Make Jello Shots

  1. Boil 1 cup of water on the stovetop.
  2. Pour a 3-ounce box of gelatin mix into a mixing bowl. Pour boiling water over jello and whisk until jello is completely dissolved.
  3. Add vodka and cold water, 1/2 cup each, to the mixing bowl. Whisk to combine everything together.
  4. Place your 2-ounce plastic cups on a baking sheet without the lids. (This make them easier to carry and pop in the fridge)
  5. Pour the mixture into plastic shot cups and chill in the fridge until set, about 2 hours. Once set, top with lids for storing and to make them travel-friendly!
  6. You can serve them as is, or top with a swirl of whipped cream on top.

How long does it take to make jello shots?

The mixing and pouring part? About 5 minutes. The hard part is waiting for the shots to set up.

How long do jello shots take to set?

They take anywhere between 1.5 to 2 hours to set up all the way. No one likes a runny jello shot.

How long are jello shots good for?

You should eat your shots within a week. Two weeks at the absolute most!

After that, the gelatin will start to break down and they will have a weird texture and the taste isn’t great.

My favorite flavor pairing ideas
  • Lime vodka + Cherry gelatin = Cherry Limeade
  • Vanilla vodka + Peach gelatin = Peach Cobbler
  • Whipped vodka + Lemon gelatin = Lemon Meringue Pie
  • Coconut vodka + Pineapple gelatin = Tropical Punch
  • Cake vodka + Strawberry gelatin = Strawberry Shortcake
Can you get drunk off jello shots?

Eventually. The truth is while you may get a big alcohol taste, there isn’t really that much in each shot. You’d need about 4 jello shots to equal 1 shot of booze.

How much alcohol is in a jello shot?

This jello shot recipe uses 1/2 cup vodka for 12 shots = 1/3 ounce vodka per shot. That’s 4 jello shots to equal 1 regular shot.

Even if you take out the cold water and use 1 cup vodka = that’s still only 2/3 ounce vodka per shot. This is typical of jello shots. That’s 2 jello shots to equal 1 shot.

How do you take jello shots?

If you’re using the type of cups pictured here, run your finger around the outer edge of the shot and then suck it out of the cup.

Now they have these squeezeable jello shot cups and they’re are pretty awesome! You don’t have to get your fingers dirty and they’re easy to squeeze. No fighting the plastic to get your shot!

Love the idea of jello shot syringes? Me too! I even made Halloween jello shots in some. The thing here is that you need 2-ounce syringes. They’re big. Like bigger than you’d normally expect, but they are the same amount of jello as these little cups. You could always buy the smaller syringes, you’ll just need more of them to get a buzz.

How Do You Eat A Jello Shot?

Ahh…the mystery everyone would like to know. What are commonly referred to as jello shots are a combination of a gelatin mix plus your favorite alcohol. Whether you’re throwing a big fiesta, watching the game with your friends, or getting ready to party on a Friday night, gelatin shots are perfect for any occasion!

But as any party expert knows, gelatin shots aren’t exactly a liquid. So do you drink it like a typical shot? Do you chew it like gelatin? Do you just slurp it down? How exactly do you eat a jello shot?

While your technique may not be scored like an Olympic gymnast, you know your friends will never let you live it down if you make a fool of yourself. First course of action: identify your container. Second: choose your weapon of choice. Third: impress your friends and take over the world…oh wait, how did that get in there?

The easiest way to eat a homemade jello shot is to start by loosening the gelatin from its container. If it’s in a plastic cup, squeezing may do the trick. If that doesn’t work, or it’s in a firmer container, you’re going to have to get a little messy. You have some options here. Choose wisely, young party hero.

Option 1: the finger (preferably not THAT finger unless you’re looking to get into a fight). Perfect for when you’re feeling flirty. Warning – with no napkins in sight you’ll have to get creative figuring out how to wipe the mess off on your friend’s pants without them noticing.

Option 2: the spoon (aka the boring option). Yes, do that walk of shame to the kitchen to get your utensil. We’ll wait.

Option 3: the tongue. Perfect for if you really want some party bonus points. BTW, anyone know where I can redeem a lifetime of bonus points?

Anyway, back to where we left off. Once the gelatin is loosened from the container, open up wide! You can now enjoy your hard work. Some gelatin shots are messy, others a bit difficult, but your commitment to the gelatin pays off with a delicious shot. There’s no shame in leaving a little behind and going bobbing for that last little bit of deliciousness. Want in on a gelatin shot secret from the party experts? There’s a way to make gelatin shots easy to eat, no messes here! What’s this secret you might ask? Well, it’s Shottys’ gelatin shots, of course! With our patented squeezable technology, you’re sure to wow your friends with your flawless execution of popping your shots into your mouth. Look mom, no hands!

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