Reviews Video Games

Crash Team Rumble, a Review of Reviews

Our favourite marsupial is back with a completely new concept. Crash Team Rumble is the 4v4 MOBA game you probably weren’t expecting but will enjoy.

The Basic Premise of Crash Team Rumble

Toys for Bob jumps through genres with about the same ease as Crash jumps through platforms. The new Crash game is more than just a bit different from what we’re used to. In Crash Team Rumble you and your team are tasked with collecting as many Wumba Fruits as you can and cashing them in. This is while your opposing team is also trying to do the same thing. The basis of the game is rather simple but it should be good entertainment.

Also read: We Might Get Crash Team Rumble On Switch After All

The Impressive Character and Map Design

Toys for Bob, the game developers, have brought their expertise in designing Crash Bandicoot characters to “Crash Team Rumble.” Each character, such as Crash, Dingodile, and Dr. Nefarious Tropy, has a unique set of movements that feel natural and intuitive when navigating the game’s levels.

The levels themselves are vivid and diverse, drawing inspiration from familiar locations seen in previous Crash Bandicoot games. Each map has its own unique set of power-ups, which can be used offensively or defensively, adding depth and personality to the gameplay. For example, players can summon enemies to attack the opposing team’s base or summon buffs that make characters larger.

Crash Team Rumble

Relics, which players can collect, activate various features unique to each map. For instance, in N. Sanity Caverns, the Spirit Guardians Relic allows players to transform into giant spirit versions of themselves with greater knockback power. The ability to collect Relics and activate map-specific features provides a strategic advantage, even if a team member struggles to collect enough Wumpa fruit or increase their score multiplier using Booster Pads.

Hunter or Gatherer? Pick Your Class

In “Crash Team Rumble,” the three available classes of characters — Scorers, Blockers, and Boosters — each has unique attributes that make them valuable in different ways. For example, Scorers, such as Crash, Tawna, and Catbat, are best at collecting Wumpa Fruit and platforming, while Boosters, such as Coco and Neo Cortex, help the team by capturing Gem Pads and activating Relic Stations.

Blockers, such as Dingodile, N. Brio, and N. Tropy, focus on stopping enemies from scoring. Dingodile, for instance, can use his vacuum to slow down enemies and steal their Wumpa. N. Tropy’s staff allows for area-of-effect attacks, making her a valuable addition to any team.

While team construction is important, on-the-field strategy ultimately determines match outcomes. Players must balance collecting Wumpa Fruit with defending their base and preventing the enemy team from scoring. Each map has its own unique set of power-ups and gimmicks, which can be activated using Relics, adding depth and excitement to the gameplay.

Crash Team Rumble

One downside to the game is that it launches with only eight characters, with an additional two to be added in Season One. The single-game mode and quick match length mean that players will cycle through all the characters relatively quickly. However, the unique attributes of each character make them feel valuable and add to the overall enjoyment of the game.
In “Crash Team Rumble,” special abilities can make a significant impact on the outcome of a match. Some abilities are included simply for fun references, while others can almost guarantee victory. For example, placing an electric field over the enemy team’s bank/base can make it almost impossible to cash in Wumpa Fruit without taking serious damage. While it is possible to destroy the field, few characters can do so without getting hurt.

Unfortunately, there are not enough counters for enemy players’ abilities, so the outcome of a match is often determined within the first minute. Levelling up and accessing new characters and abilities does not change the gameplay significantly, as the same tactics that worked early on remain effective throughout the game.

The Shiny Cosmetics Aiming to Engage

The Battle Pass in “Crash Team Rumble” offers players a hundred tiers of cosmetics that can be obtained by completing specific challenges. However, many of these cosmetics are not noticeable in the game, and the rarity system seems somewhat unnecessary since most items can be obtained through the linear progression system. This can make the game feel like a free-to-play mobile game that relies on players’ desire to collect rare items and show them off to others.

Furthermore, the progression system itself is not particularly engaging, as many of the alternate skins are unappealing and worse than the default designs. While the Battle Pass is optional, it can add pressure on players to unlock everything before it goes away. This can detract from the enjoyment of the game for players who prefer to play at their own pace.

Crash Team Rumble

While characters can be unlocked for free and at the player’s leisure, the game can still feel like something that players have to obsess over to unlock everything or pay an additional fee to get everything. This is not ideal for a game that players have already paid to access. Overall, the Battle Pass and progression system in “Crash Team Rumble” are not particularly engaging and can detract from the game’s overall enjoyment.

Replayability Issues

While the core idea is more than just engaging, there is a big chance of the repetitiveness getting to you. The characters and maps are limited, the power-ups are slightly unbalanced, and the progression is a bit meaningless. It feels like Activision is banking heavily on how much fun you have with your friends, regardless of the activity.
The cosmetics don’t add much either. It’s likely that after a few hours of gameplay, everything will start to feel repetitive to you. Not to mention, the winner of the game is pretty much decided after the first minute, since the dynamic isn’t likely to change much after that.
Unless Toys for Bob and Activision plan to bring constant new things, Crash Team Rumble may fade out of interest rather fast.
While the future of “Crash Team Rumble” is uncertain, it currently offers a straightforward and enjoyable multiplayer experience. The characters, including Crash Bandicoot, are easy to control, and the core systems of the game are well-designed. This means that even players who are not big fans of the Crash Bandicoot franchise can still find enjoyment in the game.

Crash Team Rumble

However, the game’s simplicity can also limit its appeal. It may not be a game that players want to spend hundreds of hours playing since it lacks the depth and complexity that define truly great games. Nevertheless, not every game needs to be an obsession, and “Crash Team Rumble” is a fun addition to a game night routine with friends, even if it is a relatively brief one.

What is the basic premise of Crash Team Rumble?

In Crash Team Rumble, players are tasked with collecting as many Wumpa Fruits as they can and cashing them in while their opposing team is also trying to do the same thing.

How are the characters and maps designed in the game?

The characters in the game, such as Crash, Dingodile, and Dr. Nefarious Tropy, have unique sets of movements that feel natural and intuitive when navigating the game’s levels. The levels themselves are vivid and diverse, drawing inspiration from familiar locations seen in previous Crash Bandicoot games.

What are the available classes of characters in the game, and what are their unique attributes?

The three available classes of characters in the game are Scorers, Blockers, and Boosters. Scorers are best at collecting Wumpa Fruit and platforming, while Boosters help the team by capturing Gem Pads and activating Relic Stations. Blockers focus on stopping enemies from scoring.

What are some potential drawbacks to the game’s replayability and longevity?

The game’s limited characters and maps, slightly unbalanced power-ups, and meaningless progression can make the game feel repetitive after a few hours of gameplay. Additionally, the outcome of a match is often determined within the first minute, so the game’s dynamic isn’t likely to change much after that. Without constant updates, the game may lose interest for players quickly.