
The “Gen Z boss in a mini” viral video, depicts Gen Z women in a circle singing

The recent “Gen Z boss in a mini” viral video, originally from Instagram skincare company TBH Skincare (@tbhskincare_), depicts Gen Z women in a circle singing.

That viral ‘Gen Z boss in a mini’ video is peak corporate cringe

The video plays off of a popular TikTok trend where those being filmed describe what they’re wearing, and has reached a whole new level of cringe behavior once it broke out of the misogynistic X / Twittersphere it had found itself in.

The original ‘Gen Z boss and a mini’ video

The original “Gen Z boss and a mini” video came from a beauty and skincare company on Instagram, TBH Skincare (@tbhskincare_) which starts with a group of young women chanting, “Gen Z boss in a mini.” as they dance around in a circle.

The video doesn’t end there, and shows various clips of other young people who presumably work for the company chanting about other things, like “itty bitty titties and a bob” and “secret product and a trench.”